No. 48-1, January 2015
- Editorial / Redaksioneel
- Evidence by means of closed circuit television or similar electronic media in South Africa : does section 158 of the Criminal Procedure Act have extraterritorial application?
- Die aanvaardingsvereiste in lewensversekeringskontrakte
- Military intervention in Syria : the American, British and French alternatives and the Russian option
- Angels and demons, innocents and penitents : an analysis of different "characters" within the penal discourse of apartheid South Africa 1980 to 1984 - Part One
- The "reinstatement" of credit agreements : remarks in response to the 2014 amendment of section 129(3)-(4) of the National Credit Act
- The 2014 credit-information amnesty regulations : what do they really entail?
- Fairness a slippery concept : the common law of contract and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
- WTO Appellate Body Ruling in United States - Certain country of origin labeling requirements : trading away consumer rights and protections, or striking a balance between competition-based approach in trade and consumer interests?
- Bread as dignity : the Constitution and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
- The timeous enforcement of trade mark rights : notes
- Note on the use of the public nuisance doctrine in 21st century South African law : notes
- Onderhoudstoekenning vir gades of vennote pendente lite en by egskeiding : het ons 'n nuwe benadering? : aantekeninge
- Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR2332 (GNP) : recent case law
- Farm Frites v International Trade Administration Commission Case 33264/14 GN : recent case law
- The President of RSA v Reinecke 2014 3 SA 205 (SCA) : recent case law
- Minister of Safety and Security v Sekhoto 2011 1 SACR 315 (SCA) : recent case law
- Complementarity in the Line of Fire: The Catalysing Effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan, Sarah M Nouwen : book announcement