Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR2332 (GNP) : recent case law

AuthorA. Boraine,M. Roestoff
Published date01 January 2015
Date01 January 2015
Onlangse regspraak/Recent case law
Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge
2013 JDR
2332 (GNP)
Discretion and powers of the court in applications for sequestration
In Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge (2013 JDR 2332 (GNP)) the court
exercised its discretion in terms of section 12(1) of the Insolvency Act 24
of 1936 against the granting of a final order for sequestration even
though all the requirements for the granting of such order in terms of
section 12(1) were satisfied. The court thus came to the assistance of the
respondent-debtor by allowing him the opportunity to pay off his debt
rather than have his estate sequestrated and being obliged to surrender
his assets and thus also being subjected to the stigma and restrictions of
insolvency. In this respect, it is to be noted that it is currently a world-
wide trend to accommodate insolvent or over-indebted debtors and to
retreat from the principle of maximising returns for creditors as the only
objective of consumer insolvency regimes. The following observation in
a recent report of the World Bank is pertinent in this regard (see Working
Group on the Treatment of the Insolvency of Natural Persons Report on
the treatment of the insolvency of natural persons Insolvency and Creditor/
Debtor Regimes Task Force, World Bank 2012 par 393 – available at – hereafter the World Bank Report):
[A] regime for treating the insolvency of natural persons not only pursues the
objectives of increasing payment to individual creditors and enhancing a fair
distribution of payment among the collective of creditors, but, just as
importantly, such a regime pursues the objectives of providing relief to
debtors and their families and addressing wider social issues. In achieving
those objectives, a regime for the insolvency of natural persons should strive
for a balance among competing interests.
The court in Masinge did not elaborate much on its decision.
References to relevant case law and provisions of the Insolvency Act are
few and far between and the court’s viewpoints and reasons for its
decision have to be deduced from what is read between the lines. The
aim of this case discussion is thus, first of all, to discuss and analyse the
court’s decision with specific reference to the applicable provisions of the
Act and relevant case law that relate to the question as to what the
discretion of the court pertaining to the granting or refusing of
sequestration applications entails. Masinge concerned a compulsory
sequestration application, but it should be noted that the Act also affords
How to cite: Roestoff & Boraine ‘Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR 2332 (GNP): Discretion and
powers of the court in applications for sequestration’ 2015 De Jure 206-226
Onlangse regspraak/Recent case law 207
discretion to the court to grant or refuse a voluntary sequestration
application even though the requirements in terms of the Act have been
complied with. The provisions of the Act and relevant case law in this
regard are therefore also investigated as it may shed some light on the
issues under consideration. After discussing the issues relating to the
court’s discretion, the implications of the ruling in Masinge and the
powers of the court when refusing a sequestration order are discussed.
In light of this discussion, proposals are made for the amendment of the
relevant provisions of the Act in order to allow the court to make certain
orders when exercising its discretion to dismiss an application for
sequestration. Paragraph 4 contains our proposals for amendment of the
Act and concluding remarks.
2Facts and Decision
Masinge concerned an application for the compulsory sequestration of
the respondent’s estate. A provisional order had already been obtained
by the applicant and the matter was before Kubishi J for a final
sequestration order (par 1). The court referred to the requirements for
the granting of a final sequestration order in terms of section 12 of the
Insolvency Act (par 3; see the discussion in par 3 1 below).
It was not in dispute that the respondent was indebted to the applicant
in the amount of R32003,16 for levies and costs payable to the applicant
in terms of the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986. The levies and costs were
payable in respect of immovable property situated in Pretoria and owned
by the respondent. It was also common cause that the respondent had
committed an act of insolvency in that he failed to satisfy a warrant of
execution issued against him in respect of the debt. The act of insolvency
(see s 8(b) of the Insolvency Act) entailed that the respondent was unable
to point out any disposable goods, movable or immovable, to the sheriff
and that the latter could not locate any goods for attachment (par 3).
The respondent opposed the application on the basis that the
sequestration would not be to the benefit of the creditors (par 4).
However, no details are provided in the judgment as to the grounds for
such allegation.
Contrary to our courts’ unsympathetic attitude generally as regards
debtors’ interests in sequestration applications (see Boraine & Roestoff
‘Revisiting the state of consumer insolvency in South Africa after twenty
years: The courts’ approach, international guidelines and an appeal for
urgent law reform’ 2014 THRHR 351361 et seq), Kubishi J was of the
view that he should exercise his discretion against the applicant’s request
for a final sequestration order. Referring to Epstein v Epstein (1987 4 SA
606 (C) 612G–J) the court pointed out that even if a court is satisfied that
the creditor has established his or her claim, that the debtor has
committed an act of insolvency or is in fact insolvent, and there is reason
to believe that it would be to the advantage of creditors that the debtor’s
estate be sequestrated, the court nevertheless has a discretion, which

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