No. 52-1, April 2019
- Cancer employees and the right to fair labour practices in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
- Race, history, irresolution : reflections on City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Afriforum and the limits of “post”-apartheid constitutionalism
- Opening Pandora’s box : a legal analysis of the right to food in South Africa
- A critique of the Swazi Constitutional rules on succession to kingship
- Impact of global food and agriculture laws on Africa’s food security
- Taming the mechanics of mortgage foreclosures : the case of ABSA Bank Ltd v Mokebe and Related Cases 2018 (6) SA 492 (GJ)
- S v Frederiksen (33/2016) ZAFSHC 161; SACR 29 (FB) (14 September 2017) : Human tissue in a freezer: a crime or not?
- The need to provide members of retirement funds which are not regulated by the Pension Funds Act access to a specialised dispute resolution forum
- Traditional “juju oath” and human trafficking in Nigeria : a human rights perspective
- A critical analysis of article 16 of the UN refugee convention in relation to victims of sexual violence in refugee camps in Africa
- Nondabula v Commissioner : SARS (2018 (3) SA 541 (ECM) (27 June 2017))
- Rethinking the interface between customary law and constitutionalism in sub-Saharan Africa
- “Dumping” and the Competition Act of South Africa
- Dividends in specie : the granting of services or the right of use of assets
- Is it a competent child’s prerogative to refuse medical treatment?
- A constitutional analysis of an Islamic will within the South African context
- Payday : business as usual or a new dawn rising for persons with disabilities in the workplace
- The analysis of child marriage and third-party consent in the case of Rebeca Z. Gyumi v Attorney General Miscellaneous Civil Case no 5 of 2016 Tanzania High Court at Dar es Salaam
- Children seeking justice: safeguarding the rights of child offenders in South African criminal courts
- Legal capacity of and access to justice for refugees with disabilities in Africa
- South Africa’s move away from international investor-state dispute : a breakthrough or bad omen for investment in the developing world?
- “Affirmative” (measures in) action? Revising the lawfulness of racial quotas (in South African (professional) team sports)
- The revival of the SADC Tribunal by South African courts : a contextual analysis of the decision of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
- Making the case for mental health expertise in crimen iniuria cases : an issue awakened by the Vicki Momberg sentence
- Ignore this heading. It will not influence your interpretation of this article … or will it?
- Autonomy in organ donations v family consent : a South African legislative context
- The auditor’s liability for audited financial statements
- Foreword - “Imagining children constitutionally : 20 years of strategic litigation and advocacy”
- Keynote address : Centre for Child Law 20 Year Conference 5 December 2018, 09:40
- Opening : imagining children constitutionallystrategic litigation and advocacy for children’s rights in South Africa
- Children’s rights jurisprudence in South Africa – a 20 year retrospective
- Legal implementation of the UNCRC : lessons to be learned from the constitutional experience of South Africa
- The legal battle for the universal access to primary education in Swaziland
- Too much of a good thing? Best interests of the child in South African jurisprudence
- Discrimination in education of children in central and eastern Europe in the jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights
- Using the courts to end corporal punishment – the international score card
- Closing - children as social justice activists