No. 56-1, June 2023
- An analysis s 5A of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 and its application to marriages concluded in terms of Islamic law
- Considering the ownership of house property in customary law
- The Constitutional disqualification for unrehabilitated insolvents from being members of Parliament
- The extraordinary in the ordinary: the devil is in the (sometimes unexpected) details of section 34 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 and the actio Pauliana
- The use of vicarious liability in environmental law to enhance the legal conservation status of birds of prey
- LH v ZH 2022 (1) SA 384 (SCA) Should section 18(a) of Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 apply to all spouses in a marriage in community of property, irrespective of when the non-patrimonial damages were received?
- Online deceptive advertising and consumer protection in South Africa - The law and its shortcomings?
- Small companies and regulatory tiering: a legal and economic analysis of Zambia's new regime
- NCA Plant Hire CC v Blackfield Group Holdings (Pty) Limited [2021] JOL 51810 (GJ)
- Special Edition on Rethinking Global Economies, Financial Markets, Corporate Practices & Business Activities Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
- An analysis of the statutory measures adopted to curb tax evasion in Nigeria after the COVID-19 pandemic*
- Revisiting the no reflective loss principle under the South African company law regulation: A reflective assessment through the lens of Hlumisa Investment Holdings (RF) Ltd v Kirkinis 2020 3 All SA 650 (SCA)
- An analysis of legal accountability for artificial intelligence systems in the South African financial sector
- Reflecting on the corporate opportunity rule in company law through a jurisprudential review of Modise v Tladi Holdings (Pty) Ltd 2020 4 All SA 670 (SCA)
- The regulatory nexus between the promotion of financial education and financial inclusion in enhancing consumer protection in South Africa*
- Policy implications and mobile money regulatory approaches to promote financial inclusion of the poor in Zimbabwe after the COVID-19 pandemic*
- A proposal for international arbitration law in Namibia based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
- An analysis of the possibility to implement a CSI tax levy in South Africa: Lessons from Mauritius
- South African courts' differing approaches to determining children's views in family law matters*
- Does the treatment of arrear maintenance claims of children under the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 constitute a violation of their constitutionally protected rights to social welfare and human dignity? An exposition
- The regulation of cryptocurrencies to combat money laundering crimes in South African banking institutions
- Monareng v Dr JS Moroka Municipality 2022 43 ILJ 1855 (LC)