No. 48-2, January 2015
- Editorial
- Prof Ignatius Philip "Papa" Maithufi : in memoriam
- The requirements for validity and proprietary consequences of monogamous and polygynous customary marriages in South Africa : some observations
- Section 71 of the National Health Act : a call for a review of the consent requirement for child participation in health research
- The conservation status of the Wedge-tailed Eagle in Australian law and thoughts on the value of early legal intervention in the conservation of a species
- Clinical legal education : determining the mission and focus of a university law clinic and required outcomes, skills & values
- Responsible unionism during collective bargaining and industrial action : are we ready yet?
- The South African International Cooperation in Criminal Matters Act and the issue of evidence
- What is wrong with modern unjustified enrichment law in South Africa?
- Angels and demons, innocents and penitents : an analysis of different "characters" within the penal discourse of apartheid South Africa 1980 to 1984 - Part Two
- Trade mark law : can an unregistered mark beprotected prior to the acquisition of a reputation? : note
- Immigration and the right to respect for family life in the European context : a reflection on the states' positive obligations and possible lessons for South Africa : note
- Maccsand v City of Cape Town, Minister for Water Affairs and Environment, MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape Province, Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform, and Minister for Mineral Resources 2012 4 SA 181 (CC) : recent case law
- RH v DE 2014 6 SA 436 (SCA) : recent case law
- Revisiting some aspects of the decisions in FMBN V NDIC (1999) 2 NWLR : recent case law