No. 46-1, January 2013
- Editorial
- The role of the courts in ensuring the right to a basic education in a democratic South Africa : a critical evaluation of recent education case law
- Recognising situatedness and resolving conflict : analysing US and South African education law cases
- The effectiveness of legal remedies in education : a school governing body perspective
- Are fixed-term school governing body employment contracts for educators the best model for schools?
- Legislation and policies : progress towards the right to inclusive education
- Learners' religious-cultural rights : a delicate balancing act
- Search and seizure of learners in schools in a constitutional democracy : a comparative analysis between South Africa and the United States
- Students, websites, and freedom of expression in the United States and South Africa
- A critical analysis of legislation on the financial management of public schools : a South African perspective
- Who guards the guardians? Freedom of expression and whistle-blowers - a personal narrative
- Children's right to participate : implications for school discipline
- The constitutionality of section 16A of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
- Statistical adjustment of matric marks : the right of access to information
- The human rights paradox of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students in South African education
- The potential remedial function of the law in the deteriorating public education system of South Africa
- Language and culture restrictions in K-12 non-public schools in the United States : exploring the reach of federal non-discrimination law and implications for South Africa
- Compatibility of democracy and learner discipline in South African schools
- Keeping children safe whilst playing sport : what can South Africa learn from the United Kingdom experience?