Case Law
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Director of Public Prosecutions, KwaZulu-Natal v Ndlovu
Sentence for rape. Binds courts of final jurisdiction. Criminal law. Life imprisonment
S v BL
Meaning of a sentence. Offensive word. Protection order. Second complainant
Procon Gt Capital (Pty) Ltd v Woldeyesus and Another
Summary judgment application. General principle. Lease agreement
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Friedman
Rights in terms of the contract. Interpretation of a particular clause of the guarantee. Acceleration clause. Facility agreement
WSL and Another v Minister of Police and Others
Right to freedom and security. Arresting officer. Applicant complaining of unlawful detention. State prosecutor. Second plaintiff
S v Lenkopane
Right to a fair trial. Fair trial. Condonation for the late prosecution of the appeal. Practice directives for the criminal regional courts
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Mlamuleli
Costs of the appeal. Application for rescission of default judgment. Restraint order
Merriman Court Body Corporate and Others v Greeff
Fiduciary duties of the trustees. Special general meeting. Right of extension. Common property. Members of the body
Lindsey and Others v Conteh
Provisional sentence. Money judgment. Writ of possession of personal property. Jurisdiction of foreign courts
Vodacom (Pty) Ltd v Makate and Another
Voice revenue. Reasonable compensation. Court's order. Duration of the contract. Incremental revenue. Effective rate