No. 49-1, January 2016
- Editorial
- Designing an appropriate and assessable curriculum for clinical legal education
- The effect of section 43 of the BCEA on employment contracts and legislative protection of minors
- Does collaborative divorce have a place in South African divorce law?
- Applying the CISG via the rules of private international law : Articles 1(1)(b) and 95 of the CISG - analysing CISG Advisory Council Opinion 15
- Taking the incidence of false child sexual abuse allegations more seriously
- Executive directors in business rescue : employees or something else?
- Fair deuce : an uneasy fair dealing-fair use duality : notes
- To what extent should the Convention of Cabinet Secrecy still be recognised in South African constitutional law? : notes
- Ferris v Firstrand Bank Ltd 2014 3 SA 39 (CC) Enforcement of a credit agreement after breach of a debt rearrangement order and the ineffectiveness of debt review in terms of the National Credit Act : recent case law
- P K Harikasun v New National Assurance Company Ltd (190/2008) [2013] ZAKZDHC 67 (12 December 2013) Of red herrings, sardines and insurance fraud : something's fishy : recent case law
- Minister of Mineral Resources v Mawetse (SA) Mining Corporation (Pty) Ltd 2016 (1) SA 306 (SCA) Prospecting rights under the MPRDA : Public Law Instruments? : recent case law
- Absa Bank Limited v Keet 2015 JDR 0996 (SCA) Should vindicatory claims be subject to prescription? A long-standing uncertainty resolved at last : recent case law