No. 47-1, January 2014
- Editorial / Redaksioneel
- Legal issues involving student cyber speech in the United States
- Approaches to pregnancy under the law : a relational response to the current South African position and recent academic trends
- Direct marketing and spam via electronic communications : an analysis of the regulatory framework in South Africa
- The judicial application of the "interest" requirement for standing in constitutional cases : "A radical and deliberate departure from common law"
- The regime of forfeiture of patrimonial benefits in South Africa and a critical analysis of the concept of unduly benefited
- Is die rede vir die beslissing in Knox NO v Mofokeng and Others 2013 4 SA 46 (GSJ) regtens korrek? : aantekeninge
- Ex parte MS 2014 JDR 0102 Case No 48856/2010 (GNP) Surrogate motherhood agreements, condonation of non-compliance with confirmation requirements and the best interests of the child : recent case law
- Constitutional perspectives on the judgments of the Labour Appeal Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal in Solidarity (acting on behalf of Barnard) v South African Police Services : recent case law
- Nedbank Ltd v Swartbooi Unreported Case No 708/2012 (ECP) Termination of debt review in terms of the National Credit Act - not the end of the road for over-indebted consumers : recent case law