No. 46-4, January 2013
- In memoriam : Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
- Madiba would have agreed : "The law is for protection of the people"
- Vermoënsregtelike gevolge by die verandering van die huwelikstelsel
- Access to justice in the South African social security system : towards a conceptual approach
- A contractual perspective on the strict liability principle in the World Anti-Doping Code
- Section 49, lethal force and lessons from the De Menezes shooting in the United Kingdom
- Match fixing in sport : a top priority and ongoing challenge for sports governing bodies
- The right to say "I don't" : the reception of the action for breach of promise
- Section 85 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 : thoughts on its scope and nature
- The continued relevance of the mandament van spolie : recent developments relating to dispossession and eviction
- A new role for crime victims? An evaluation of restorative justice procedures in the Child Justice Act 2008
- Infringement of the right to goodwill; the basic legal principles in relation to South African case law
- Share issues and shareholder protection : notes
- A (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service ITC 12644 (2012) Capital loss incurred on the redemption of redeemable shares : a clogged loss or not? : recent case law
- Modjadji Florah Mayelane v Mphephu Maria Ngwenyama [2013] ZACC 14 The effect of lack of consent of a spouse of a customary marriage on the validity of a further or subsequent customary marriage of her husband : recent case law
- Baker Tilly (a firm) v Makar [2010] EWCA Civ 1411 Tacit terms and the common unexpressed intention of the parties to a contract : recent case law