No. 44-2, January 2011
- Editorial
- Contemporary challenges to international human rights law and the role of human rights education
- Bespoke justice? On financial ombudsmen, rules and principles
- The legal validity of an advance refusal of medical treatment in South African law (Part 2)
- Forget me not : thoughts on the crossroads between law and medicine in assessing claims of amnesia
- Some thoughts on state regulation of South African insolvency law
- The deductibility of value added tax on costs incurred to raise share capital : a critical analysis of the ITC 1744 case
- For a few dollars more : overcharging and misconduct in the legal profession of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek
- Orality in African customary - and Roman law of contract : a comparative perspective
- The right to development in the African human rights system : the Endorois case
- The money or the box : perspectives on reckless credit in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005
- Section 14 of the Children's Act 38 of 2005 and the child's capacity to litigate
- Ondernemingsredding uit die wegspringblokke : is dit sterk genoeg? Swart v Beagles Run Investments 25 (PTY) Ltd : onlangse regspraak
- The Citizen v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC) : recent case law
- Ackermans Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service, Pep Store (SA) Ltd v Commissioner for South African Revenue Service 2011 1 SA 1 (SCA) : recent case law
- Wesbank v Deon Winston Papier and the National Credit Regulator : recent case law
- Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development v Tshishonga 2009 9 BLLR 862 (LAC) : recent case law
- Like Pontius Pilate of old, the Constitutional Court washed its hands of my human dignity : a critical review of The Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC) : recent case law