S v J

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Citation1989 (1) SA 525 (A)

S v J
1989 (1) SA 525 (A)

1989 (1) SA p525


1989 (1) SA 525 (A)




Corbett AR, Smalberger AR, Viljoen Wn AR


September 9, 1988


September 29, 1988

Flynote : Sleutelwoorde B

Strafreg — Verkragting — Mens rea — Klaagster nie verstandelik in staat om tot geslagsomgang toe te stem nie — Indien klaagster oënskynlik tot gemeenskap ingestem het en beskuldigde bona fide geglo het dat sy regtens in staat was om toestemming te verleen, sou C vereiste opset by beskuldigde ontbreek — Waar Staat nie bewys het dat beskuldigde subjektief besef het dat klaagster nie in staat was om toestemming te verleen nie òf dat hy die moontlikheid daarvan besef het maar desondanks die daad gepleeg het, is die vereiste opset nie bewys nie. D

Headnote : Kopnota

Die blote feit dat 'n beskuldigde met 'n klaagster geslagtelike gemeenskap gehad het regtens sonder haar toestemming (die klaagster in die huidige geval was verstandelik nie in staat om sodanige toestemming te verleen nie) maak hom nie noodwendig aan verkragting skuldig nie. Indien die klaagster oënskynlik tot gemeenskap ingestem het, en die beskuldigde bona fide geglo het dat sy regtens in staat was E om toestemming te verleen, sou die vereiste opset by hom ontbreek het.

Die Hof het derhalwe, in 'n appèl teen die afwysing deur 'n Plaaslike Afdeling van die appellant (beskuldigde) se appèl teen sy skuldigbevinding deur 'n streeklanddroshof aan verkragting van 'n 16-jarige meisie wat nie regtens in staat was om tot geslagtelike gemeenskap toe te stem nie, beslis dat, in die omstandighede van die saak, tensy die Staat bewys het òf dat die appellant subjektief besef F het dat die klaagster nie in staat was om tot gemeenskap toe te stem nie, òf dat hy die moontlikheid daarvan besef het maar desondanks voortgegaan het met die pleging van die daad, die vereiste opset nie bewys is nie. Die Hof het verder beslis dat op die feite die Staat hom nie van voormelde bewyslas gekwyt het nie en dat die appèl gehandhaaf moes word. G

Flynote : Sleutelwoorde

Criminal law — Rape — Mens rea — Complainant not mentally capable of consenting to sexual intercourse — If complainant had apparently consented to intercourse and accused bona fide believed that she was legally capable of so consenting, accused would not have had required intent — Where State does not prove that accused subjectively appreciated that complainant was not capable of consenting or that he appreciated the possibility thereof but nevertheless H committed the deed, the required intent is not proved.

Headnote : Kopnota

The mere fact that an accused has had sexual intercourse with a complainant without her legal consent (the complainant in the present case was not mentally capable of giving such consent) does not necessarily make him guilty of rape. If the complainant had apparently I consented to intercourse, and the accused bona fide believed that she was legally capable of giving consent, he would lack the required intent.

The Court accordingly held, in an appeal against the dismissal by a Local Division of the appellant's (the accused's) appeal against his conviction by a regional magistrate's court of rape of a 16-year-old girl who was not legally capable of consenting to sexual intercourse, that, in the circumstances of the case, unless the State proved either that the appellant subjectively appreciated that the complainant was not capable of consenting to intercourse, or that he appreciated J the possibility thereof

1989 (1) SA p526

A but nevertheless proceeded with the commission of the act, the required intent has not been proved. The Court further held that, on the facts, the State had not discharged the aforesaid onus and that the appeal had to be upheld. B

Case Information

Appèl teen 'n beslissing in die Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling (Van Niekerk R en Vermooten Wn R) wat 'n appèl teen appellant se skuldigbevinding in 'n streeklanddroshof aan verkragting afgewys het maar sy appèl teen sy vonnis gehandhaaf het. Die feite blyk uit die uitspraak van Smalberger AR.

C L Lapidos namens die appellant het na die volgende gesag verwys: R v Swiggelaar 1950 (1) PH H61 (A); Hunt South African Criminal Law and Procedure band II op 401 - 2 en 408 para (vi); R v K 1958 (3) SA 420 (A) op 421 - 423A en 426A; R v Z 1960 (1) SA 739 (A) op 745D - E; S v S 1971 (2) SA 591 (A) op 597B - D en 597E; Joubert (red) The Law of South Africa band 6 op 67 2de paragraaf; S v Sigwahla 1967 (4) SA 566 (A) D op 570D - E; S v Mjoli and Another 1981 (3) SA 1233 (A) op 1242C en 1247A - F; Hoffmann en Zeffertt South African Law of Evidence 3de uitg op 356 para 3; S v Sesetse and Another 1981 (3) SA 353 (A) op 376B; S v Mtsweni 1985 (1) SA 590 (A) op 593F - 594D; Snyman Criminal Law op 158 (eerste twee paragrawe); Du Toit en andere Commentary on the Criminal E Procedure Act op 28 - 16 (para 15), 28 - 26 (para 2); S v Rabie 1975 (4) SA 855 (A); S v Kumalo 1973 (3) SA 697 (A) op 698A - C; S v Sparks 1972 (3) SA 396 (A) op 410H; S v V 1972 (3) SA 611 (A) op 614D - F; S v Dhansay 1963 (3) SA 259 (K) op 261B; S v Fitswana 1974 (1) SA 479 (T); S v Shirindi 1974 (1) SA 481 (T); S v Holder 1979 (2) SA 70 (A).

F J J du Toit namens die Staat het na die volgende gesag verwys: R v Ryperd Boesman 1942 (1) PH H63 (SWA); R v K 1951 (4) SA 49 (O) op 54 - 5; S v Dladla en Andere 1980 (1) SA 1 (A) op 4A - H; S v Seleke en 'n Ander 1980 (3) SA 745 (A); S v Sesetse en 'n Ander 1981 (3) SA 353 (A) op 375F - 376C; S v Mjoli and Another 1981 (3) SA 1233 (A) op 1243D - F; S v Steynberg 1983 (3) SA 140 (A) op 147A; S v Shabalala 1986 (4) SA 734 (A) G op 746G - J; S v Becket 1987 (4) SA 8 (K) op 23C, 23D - H; Hunt SA Criminal Law and Procedure band II 2de uitg op 445 - 7; Schmidt Bewysreg 2de uitg op 277 - 8; Van der Merwe en andere Plea Procedures in Summary Criminal Trials op 133 - 6.

H Cur adv vult.

Postea (September 29).


Smalberger AR:

Die appellant, destyds 'n 23-jarige Kleurlingman, is in die streekhof te Johannesburg skuldig bevind aan verkragting en gevonnis tot vier jaar gevangenisstraf. Sy appèl na die Witwatersrandse I Plaaslike Afdeling teen sy skuldigbevinding is afgewys, maar die helfte van sy vonnis is voorwaardelik opgeskort. Die appellant kom nou in hoër beroep teen sy skuldigbevinding en vonnis met verlof van hierdie Hof.

Luidens die klagstaat is dit die appellant ten laste gelê dat hy ene S, 'n 10-jarige Kleurlingdogter, verkrag het. Ek sal voortaan na haar as die klaagster verwys. Die appellant, wat by sy J ...

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8 practice notes
  • Haarhoff and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions, Eastern Cape
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...from mental F disorders as well as imbeciles to testify subject to their being competent to do so. See S v Thurston (supra); S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A); R v K 1951 (4) SA 49 (O) and S v Malcolm 1999 (1) SACR 49 That approach is in harmony with the presumption contained in s 192 to the effect......
  • S v Zuma
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...R v Mosago and Another 1935 AD 32: referred to F R v Mpanza 1915 AD 348: referred to R v Z 1960 (1) SA 739 (A): referred to S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A): referred S v Jackson 1998 (1) SACR 470 (SCA) (1998 (2) SA 984; 1998 (4) BCLR 424; [1998] 2 All SA 267): dictum at 476 e - 477 d (SACR) appli......
  • S v Katoo
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...(2) SA 212 (A): referred to R v K 1951 (4) SA 49 (O): referred to G S v B 2003 (1) SACR 52 (SCA) (2003 (1) SA 552): referred to S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A): S v M 2002 (2) SACR 411 (SCA): dictum at applied S v Malcolm 1999 (1) SACR 49 (SE): referred to S v Thurston en 'n Ander 1968 (3) SA 284......
  • S v Zuma
    • South Africa
    • Witwatersrand Local Division
    • 1 January 2006
    ...his guilt." See also p423A; p426D-E; S v S 1971 2 SA 591 (A) at 596E-597H; R v Z 1960 1 SA 739 (A) at 743A-C and 744H-745H; S v J 1989 1 SA 525 (A) at 529D-E and 531B-D and 2006 JDR 0343 p86 Van Der Merwe J In the United Kingdom the legal position was exactly the same as in South Africa. An......
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8 cases
  • Haarhoff and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions, Eastern Cape
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...from mental F disorders as well as imbeciles to testify subject to their being competent to do so. See S v Thurston (supra); S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A); R v K 1951 (4) SA 49 (O) and S v Malcolm 1999 (1) SACR 49 That approach is in harmony with the presumption contained in s 192 to the effect......
  • S v Zuma
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...R v Mosago and Another 1935 AD 32: referred to F R v Mpanza 1915 AD 348: referred to R v Z 1960 (1) SA 739 (A): referred to S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A): referred S v Jackson 1998 (1) SACR 470 (SCA) (1998 (2) SA 984; 1998 (4) BCLR 424; [1998] 2 All SA 267): dictum at 476 e - 477 d (SACR) appli......
  • S v Katoo
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...(2) SA 212 (A): referred to R v K 1951 (4) SA 49 (O): referred to G S v B 2003 (1) SACR 52 (SCA) (2003 (1) SA 552): referred to S v J 1989 (1) SA 525 (A): S v M 2002 (2) SACR 411 (SCA): dictum at applied S v Malcolm 1999 (1) SACR 49 (SE): referred to S v Thurston en 'n Ander 1968 (3) SA 284......
  • S v Zuma
    • South Africa
    • Witwatersrand Local Division
    • 1 January 2006
    ...his guilt." See also p423A; p426D-E; S v S 1971 2 SA 591 (A) at 596E-597H; R v Z 1960 1 SA 739 (A) at 743A-C and 744H-745H; S v J 1989 1 SA 525 (A) at 529D-E and 531B-D and 2006 JDR 0343 p86 Van Der Merwe J In the United Kingdom the legal position was exactly the same as in South Africa. An......
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