No. 26-1, January 2011
- Equality of the graveyard : participatory democracy in the context of housing delivery : Grootboom
- Grootboom and the seduction of the negative / positive duties dichotomy
- Grootboom : a paradigm of individual remedies versus reasonable programmes
- An analysis of the South African social assistance system as it applies to children in rural communities : a perspective from the Grootboom case
- The Grootboom judgment, interpretative manoeuvring and depoliticising children's rights
- Proof and ascertainment of customary law
- 'Meaningful engagement' in the realisation of socio-economic rights : the South African experience
- Understanding the Constitution of India and positive discrimination
- The grey line in-between the rainbow : (re)thinking and (re)talking critical race theory in post-apartheid legal and social discourse
- The importance of environmental laws in housing developments : lessons from the Diepsloot housing project
- Youth, competence and punishment : reflections on South Africa's minimum sentencing regime for juvenile offenders
- Constitutional damages, procedural due process and the Maharaj legacy : a comparative review of recent Commonwealth decisions (part 1)
- Onrus en geweld : 2010 : journal
- Land matters and rural development : 2010 : journal
- Holding government to account : case notes
- Reasonableness, subsidiarity and service delivery : a case discussion : case notes