No. , May 2019
- The bill of rights and the rules of sectional title schemes a comparative perspective
- Legal aspects of share watering: A comparative study
- The status of legislation and the realisation of constitutional values in the new constitutional dispensation
- The Uncitral Model Law on cross-border insolvency: Its efficacy and suitability as a basis for a SADC Convention
- Modernity normality, and meaning: The struggle between progress and stability and the politics of interpretation (Part 2)
- Maintaining quality in legal education with a diminishing resource-experiences of historically black universities in South Africa
- Die permanente saak konsep: Hoe om dit aan te wend vir die vrystelling van belasting op beleggingsinkomste uit buitelandse bronne
- The characterisation of conflicts in international law: Applying Tadic to the Kosovo crisis
- Die strafregtelike spanningsveldtussen die kind se reg op vryepsigoseksuele ontplooiing enbehoefte- en magsmisbruik: is dieduitse reg navolgenswaardig?
- Doing damage to freedom of religion
- Book Review: Basic sectional title, book 1 and book 2
- Book Review: Unjustified enrichment — A casebook
- Book Review: Constitutional criminal procedure: A commentary on the constitution of the republic of South Africa
- Book Review: Historical foundations of South African private law