Book Review: Unjustified enrichment — A casebook

JurisdictionSouth Africa
AuthorJacques du Plessis
Published date30 May 2019
Date30 May 2019
Citation(2000) 11 Stell LR 310
Unjustified enrichment — a casebook
2000 Stell LR 310
Jacques du Plessis
Professor, University of Stellenbosch
PIENAAR. Second edition. Butterworths Durban 1999 xvi and 441 p. Price
It might sound whimsical to suggest that authors could put their work on a diet and
force it to work out, but it seems that this is exactly what Professors Eiselen and
Pienaar have done with their casebook on the South African law of unjustified
enrichment. Apparently motivated by the need to cu t costs and make the work more
accessible (see the review by Du Plessis 1996 Stell LR 120) , the new edition is about
two-thirds the length of the original. However, in substance the book has not
2000 Stell LR 311
much. About 28 extracts have been deleted, mostly to no real detriment (the
notable exception being African Diamond Exporters (Pty) Ltd v Barclays Bank
International Ltd 1978 3 SA 699 (A), which remains particularly interesting to
students for hintin g at profit margins in th e diamond trade). There are seven new
extracts, which cover important recent cases such as B & H Engineering v First
National Bank of South Africa Ltd 1995 2 SA 279 (A), Kommis saris van Binnelandse
Inkomste en ’n ander v Willers 1994 3 SA 283 (A), Buzzard Electrical (Pty) Ltd v 158
Jan Smuts Avenue Investm ents (Pty) Ltd 1996 4 19 (A) and ABSA Bank Ltd t/a
Bankfin v Stander t/a CAW Pan eelkloppers 1998 1 SA 939 (C). Unfortunately, some
of the notes to th e new cases are perhaps a bit too brief — especially the note to
the Willers case, which could have mad e much mor e of how Nortje v Pool NO 1966
3 SA 96 (A) should be viewed in future. Of the remaining notes, few have been
rewritten — the most effort went i nto relocating some of the case notes to the front
of sections, where they now act as introductory paragraphs. Only rarely has the
structure itself been altered, notable changes being the treatment of the actio
negotiorum gestorum utilis and the relocation of the treatment of cheque payments
(2 2 2) from the condictio indebiti to the condi ctio sine causa specialis (alth ough the
authors still maintain that the condictio indebiti is the preferable remedy when
dealing with the repayment of countermanded cheques — see pages 79 sq).
An unfortunate aspect of the second edition is that a number of errors have been
made in re-arranging some of the notes. For example, a note to King v Cohen
Benjamin & Co 1953 4 SA 641 (W) on page 38 states that “for a detailed an alysis of
the case see Scholtens 1977 ASSAL 167–171 Scholtens 1978 ASSAL 229–231”.
However, this note in fact used to accompany a (now discarded) extract from
African Diamond Exporters (Pty) Ltd v Barclays Bank International Ltd 1978 3 SA
699 (A). Another example relates to a note which used to accompany a (now
discarded) extract from Baliol In vestment Co ( Pty) Ltd v Jacobs 1946 TPD 269. A
part of this note now not only forms part of the introduction to Commissioner for
Inland Revenue v First National Industrial Bank Ltd 1990 3 SA 641 (A), but finds its
way in the notes again, and to make matters worse, the same paragraph is
duplicated in two successive notes (compare paragraph b on page 61 with
everything which follows the second sentence of parag raph c on page 62). On page
71 we find that notes to the (now discarded) Gouws v Jester Po ols (Pty) Ltd 196 8 3
SA 563 (T) accompany the newly included Buzzard Electrical (Pty) Ltd v 158 Jan
Smuts Avenu e Investments (Pty) Ltd 1996 4 19 (A). Picture the poor student who
has just read Buzzard, and then comes across the following note (which used to
follow the Gouws case):
“The statement by Lee Introduction to Roman Law 347–348 that there should be an
‘antecedent legal relation between the persons concerned’ referred to by the court in
Gouws v Jester Pools (Pty) Ltd 1968 (3) SA 563 (T), is incorrect.”
(2000) 11 Stell LR 310
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