List of cases

Published date01 January 2011
Date01 January 2011
4,885 Bags of Linseed 66 US 108
ABC Shipbrokers v The Ship Offi
Gloria [1993] 3 NZLR 576, see
also The Offi Gloria
Acrux, The [1965] P 391
Admiralty Cmrs v Valverda
(Owners) [1938] AC 173
Advance, The 60 F 766 (1894)
Aichhorn v The Ship MV Talbot
(1974) 132 CLR 449
Airservices Australia v Canadian
Airlines International Ltd (1999)
202 CLR 133
Aktienselskabet Korn-Og
Foderstof Kompagniet v
Rederiaktiebolaget Atlanten
232 F 403 (1916)
Alexander, The (1841) 166 ER 580
Allonah Pty Ltd v The Amanda N
(1989) 90 ALR 391
Alpha Trading Monaco Sam v The
Sarah Desgagnes [2010] FCJ
No 833
Andres Bonifacio, The [1993] 3
SLR 521, see also Far East Oil
Tanker SA v Owners of the Ship
or Vessel Andres Bonifacio
Andrico Unity, The 1987(3) SA 794
(C), see also Transol Bunker BV
v MV Andrico Unity, Grecian
Mar SRL v MV Andrico Unity
Andrico Unity, The 1989(4) SA 325
(A), see also Transol Bunker BV
v MV Andrico Unity, Grecian
Mar SRL v MV Andrico Unity
Andromeda Marine SA v OW
Bunker & Trading A/S [2006] 2
Lloyd’s Rep 319
Anonymous Case (1691) 1 Ventr
Antares Shipping Corporation v
Delmar Shipping & Portland
Shipping Co Ltd [1977] 1
Lloyd’s Rep 180
Arbonne, The (1925) 23 Ll L Rep
Arcturus, The 18 F 743 (1883)
Argun, The 2004(1) SA 1 (SCA)
Askrigg Pty Ltd v Student Guild
of the Curtin University of
Technology (1989) 18 NSWLR
Astoria, The [1927] 4 DLR 1022,
see also Baker, Caver & Morell
Inc v The Astoria
Atlantic Star, The [1973] 2 Lloyd’s
Rep 197
Attorney General v Blake [2001]
AC 268
August 8, The [1983] 1 AC 450
Australian Broadcasting
Corporation v Lenah Game
Meats Pty Ltd (2001) 208 CLR
Baker v Raymond International Inc
656 F2d 173 (1981)
Baker, Caver & Morell Inc v The
Astoria [1927] 4 DLR 1022 see
also The Astoria
Baltmore SS Co v Phillips 274 US
316 (1972)
Banco Exterior De Espana SA v
Government of the Republic of
Namibia 1992(2) SA 434 (Nm)
Bankers Trust International Ltd v
Todd Shipyard Corporation
[1981] AC 221, see also The
Halcyon Isle
Banwell v The Ship The Sydney
Sunset (formerly The Lubs)
[2001] FCA 210
Barnstable, The 181 US 464
Beldis, The [1936] P 51
Benzen v Jeffries (1697) 91 ER
Berg, The 1984(4) SA 647 (N)
Berliner Bank AG v C Czarnikow
Sugar Ltd [1996] 2 Lloyd’s Rep
281, see also The Rama

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