Liquidation / Likwidasie : caput 7

Published date01 January 2010
Date01 January 2010
7.1 Composition, compromise and arrangement / akkoord,
skikking en reëling
7.1.1 Introduction
In addition to those that may be created contractually, various proce-
dures to effect an arrangement with creditors are available to a com-
pany incorporated under the Companies Act 1973. A difficult ques-
tion that arises in this regard is whether these arrangements are also
available to a close corporation in liquidation. Although this question
was canvassed in a decision in 1985, it has received relatively little
attention in handbooks on close corporation law.
7.1.2 Arrangements under section 389 Introduction
Section 389 of the Companies Act authorises a company, which is
unable to pay its debts and is or is about to be wound up, to enter
into an arrangement with its creditors. The arrangement is binding
on the company if sanctioned by a special resolution of its members,
and on its creditors as well if acceded to by three-fourths in number
and value of the creditors.
Only arrangements, and not compromises, can be effected. There
is no machinery for calling meetings and thus the assent of creditors
must be solicited individually.
An arrangement under section 389 cannot be used to effect any
transaction which cannot be dealt with under section 311, but as it
is not necessary to approach the court in this instance, it may be a
less costly procedure. Inapplicability to close corporations
Section 66 of the Close Corporations Act expressly provides that
section 389 of the Companies Act is not applicable to the winding up
of a close corporation.
7.1.3 Section 72 compositions and section 311 compromises and
arrangements Compositions under section 72
Although section 66 of the Close Corporations Act provides for the ap-
plication of numerous winding-up provisions of the Companies Act to
the liquidation of a close corporation, a procedure similar to composi-
tion proceedings under sections 119 to 124 of the Insolvency Act of
1936 is available in terms of section 72 of the Close Corporations Act,
in the event of the winding up of a corporation unable to pay its debts.

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