Judicature: A compensation framework for (procedurally) unfair dismissals in employment contracts

Date20 September 2021
Citation2021 TSAR 843
Published date20 September 2021
AuthorVan Staden, M.
https://doi.org /10.47348/ TSAR /2021/i4a 9
[ISSN 0257 – 7747] TSAR 2021 . 4
McGregor v Public Health and Social Develop ment Sectoral Bargaining Council
(CCT 270/20) 2021 ZACC 14 (17 June 2021)
Die konstitusion ele hof het onlangs die vergoeding ver minder aan ’n oortre der van seksuele teisteri ng
wat buitenspor ige vergoeding vir klein pros edurele gebreke toegeken is. Die saak i llustreer die wyse
waarop vergoed ing toegeken en aangepa s kan word in die geval van prose dureel onbillike ontslag. Tog
bly die konstitusio nele hof se redenasie om die toekenn ing van ses maande na twe e maande aan te pas
vaag. Art ikel 194 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudi nge vereis slegs dat vergoedi ng “regverdig en billi k”
moet wees. Hierdie b egrip word egter nie in d ie Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge oms kryf nie en daa r word
aangevoer dat d ie konsep teenstryd ig deur ons howe gebruik is.
2021 TSAR 843
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
https://doi.org /10.47348/ TSAR /2021/i4a 9
TSAR 2021 . 4 [ISS N 0257 – 7747]
In die besprek ing oorweeg die outeur s die regsbeginsels van Su id-Afrika, die Verenigde Kon inkryk
en Australië i n die hantering va n vergoeding vir ’n onbilli ke ontslag, waar die ontsla g slegs prosedureel
onbillik is en wa ar die werkneme r aan ernst ige wangedrag sk uldig is. In die bes preking word besi n
of sodanige vergoed ing objektief bepaalbaa r is en die faktore word oorwe eg wat die waarde van so ’n
toekenni ng sou beïnvloed.
Die kern van die d iensverhouding is d ie dienskontra k. Die bespreki ng ondersoek ook die
vergoedingst oekenning te en diegene wat norma alweg ingevolge die kontra k toegeken sou word.
Faktore wat in die Veren igde Koninkryk en Aust ralië gevind word, verv at in terminologie soos “ fout”
en “ekonomiese verlies”, is soo rtgelyk aan deliktuele ei se en is nie noodwendig toepasli k in die Suid-
Afrika anse konteks nie , veral omdat die Wet op Arbe idsverhoudinge die b enadering t ot vergoeding
vir prosedu reel onbillike ontslag verand er het. Desnieteensta ande kan ekonomiese verlies i n die Suid-
Afrika anse konteks st eeds ’n faktor wees wat d ie vergoeding wat to egeken word as gevolg van ’n
prosedureel on billike ontslag kan beïnvlo ed.
Die outeurs kom tot d ie gevolgtrekk ing dat die afsk uwelike aard van d ie wangedrag va n ’n werknemer,
in ’n bepaalde geval die we rknemer op geen vergoedi ng hoegenaamd geregtig beho ort te maak nie, of
slegs aanspra ak op ’n aansienli k verminde rde vergoeding k an gee. Die outeur s vind ook dat, i n navolging
van die reg van die Verenigde Ko ninkr yk en Australië, e n as ’n logiese uitvloeisel va n die konstitusion ele
hof se uitspraa k, die beginsel va n bydraende sk uld uitgebrei moet word na ge valle van wesenli k onbillike
ontslag. Hieru it kom ’n raamwerk na vore in die besprek ing vir die bepali ng van vergoeding in gevalle
van prosedur eel onbillike ontslag.
1 Introduction
In McG regor v Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining
Council the constitutional cou rt recently reduced the compensation paid to a
sexual hara ssment perpetrator who had been awarded exorbitant comp ensation for
minor procedural aws in his dismissal ((CCT 270/20) 2021 ZACC 14 (17 June
2021)). This discussion specically considers legal principles of South Afr ica, the
United Kingdom and Australia in dealing with the matter of compensation for an
unfair dismissal where the dismissal was for a subst antially fair reason but not in
accordance with a fair procedure. The discu ssion also briey considers whether
such compensation awards are object ively determinable and the factor s that would
inuence the monetary value of such an award. The discussion concludes t hat,
due to the abhorrent nature of an employee’s misconduct, the employee should be
entitled to no compensation whatsoever or to severely reduced compensation. The
discussion also nds that the principle of contributor y fault should be extended to
instances of substa ntively unfair d ismissals.
Section 193(1)(c) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 provides that “[i[f the
Labour Cou rt or an arbitr ator appointed in te rms of this Act nds that a dism issal
is unfair, the Cour t or the arbitrator may order the employer to pay compensation
to the employee”. Section 193(2)(d) of the Labour Relations Act makes it clear that
re-instatement or re-employment is not appropriate if “t he dismissal is unfai r only
because the employer did not follow a fair procedure”. According to section 194(1)
of the Labour Relations Act:
“[t]he compensation awarde d to an employee whose dismissal is fou nd to be unfair either becau se
the employer did not prove tha t the reason for dismissal w as a fair reason relatin g to the employee’s
conduct or capacit y or the employer’s operational req uirements or the employer d id not follow a fair
procedure, or b oth, must be just and equitable i n all the circumstance s, but may not be more than
the equivalent of 12 month s’ remuneration calculat ed at the employee’s rate of remuneration on th e
date of dismiss al”.
It should be noted from the outset that, h istorically, the courts were not entitled to
award excessive compensation. Prior to amendments to the La bour Relations Act
in 2002, employees whose dismissals were on ly procedurally unfair were entitled
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd

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