Judicature: Claims for restitution arising from the non-fulfilment of suspensive conditions in contracts

AuthorO’Brien, P.
Citation2021 TSAR 823
Date20 September 2021
Published date20 September 2021
https://doi.org /10.47348/ TSAR /2021/i4a 8
[ISSN 0257 – 7747] TSAR 2021 . 4
Timasani (Pty) Ltd (in business re scue) v Afrimat Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd (91/2020) 2021
ZASCA 43 (13 Apr 2021)
Die verbinteni sregtelike aspek wa t in hierdie saak te r sprake gekom het, kon volgens geyk te regsbeginsels
opgelos word. Die teru gbetaling van ’n dep osito en die oorbet aling van opgeloopte r ente by die nie-
vervull ing van opskortende voor waardes in ’n kontrak wa s ter sprake. Die voorne mende koper (Afrimat)
het die deposito i n ’n spesiale beleggingsrekening v an die voornemende verkoper ( Timasani) by ’n bank
inbetaal me t die ooreenkoms d at die geld namens Afrimat geho u sou word en dat die opgeloopte r ente
Afrimat s ou toekom. By die niever vulling va n die voorwaard es het die sakeredd ingsprak tisyn van
Timasani geweie r om die deposito terug te bet aal aan Afrimat . Die gronde vir die weiering he t gespruit
uit ’n dispuut oor die kwa ntum van die afslaerskomm issie waarvoor Afrim at aanspreeklikh eid aanvaar
het. Die hof van eerst e instansie het Timasa ni gelas om eerstens die de posito terug te beta al aan Afrimat
en tweedens die o pgeloopte re nte aan dit oor te bet aal. D ie hoogste hof van a ppèl het ’n appèl van
die hand gewys en d ie hof van eerste in stansie se bevi nding gesteun d at die regsgeding n ie deur die
statutêre m oratorium op regsgedinge te en maatskappye in sakere dding gestuit word nie. Laasge noemde
kwessie met gepaa rdgaande prose durele kwessies va l buite die bestek va n hierdie besprek ing. Wat
die verbinteni sregtelike asp ek betref, is da ar ’n groot waarsk ynlikh eid dat die ware gron dslag van die
uitspraa k eenvoudig ’n eis was vir nakom ing van die kontr ak dat die deposito e n opgeloopte rente by
die nieverv ulling van die voor waardes te rug- en oorbet aal moes word aan Af rimat. Die hoog ste hof
van appèl het egter sky nbaar die eis op ’n verryki ngsgrondslag toeges taan. In h ierdie verband word die
2021 TSAR 823
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
https://doi.org /10.47348/ TSAR /2021/i4a 8
TSAR 2021 . 4 [ISS N 0257 – 7747]
824 O’BRIE N
stelling onder a ndere in die uits praak gemaa k dat die kontrak t erugwerken d nietig geword het by die
nie-vervu lling van die opskort ende voorwaardes. Da ar word aan die hand gedoe n dat dit ’n obiter dictum
was wat heeltemal on nodig was vir ’n bevinding da t ’n verryk ingsvordering beski kbaar was. Ten spyte
van gemeenreg telike gesag vir so ’n verstek reël, word daardie reël va ndag in regstelsels gebasee r op die
Romeinse reg verwerp op die basis dat dit ’n ksie is en ’n foutiewe en onlogiese vertolk ing van Romeinse
tekste ver teenwoordig. So ’n k sie het onverwagt e en ongewenste gevolge vi r derde partye wa t hangende
vervull ing van opskortende voor waardes regte ver kry wat op die kontra k berus. Dit is derhalwe n ie meer
die verstekgevolg van d ie nievervul ling van opskort ende voorwaar des in verwante r egstelsels nie. Dit
is ook moeilik om i n te sien hoe, in die afwesigheid va n ’n kontrak en sonder oorwegi ng van afwykende
uitsprake, d ie hof die eis vir oorbetali ng van opgeloopte rente op ’n verr ykingsgrondslag kon to estaan.
1 Background and facts
This case note draws at tention to only a few sentences in the judgment under
discussion. In line with the modern approach to the i nterpretation of contracts, it
nevertheless remains ne cessary to summarise t he background in some detail.
The contract in question was concluded between Afr imat and a business rescue
practitioner (practitioner) acting in a representative capacity during the business
rescue proceedings of a compa ny (Timasani). Before its demise, Timasani conduct ed
iron and manganese mining on a farm it owned i n Kuruman. The creditors of
Timasani had approved the conclusion of a contr act between Afrimat and Timasa ni
aimed at the sale of Timasani’s assets to Afr imat. The base price was R17 million
excluding value-added tax, transfer duty, transfer costs and auctioneer’s commission
(the latter as dened in the c ontract).
The contract contained t wo suspensive conditions. The rst suspe nsive condition
was that Afr imat had to satisf y itself in respect of legal, nancial and tech nical
issues by way of a due diligence investigation pertaining to the assets it sought to
acquire. Thereafter, nal agreements ha d to be concluded (the second suspensive
condition). Following the due diligence investigations, Afrimat submitted draf t nal
agreements to the practitioner. The overall nancial obligations of Afri mat in terms
of the dr aft nal agreements were identical to those contained in the then existing
contract. The base cost of R17 million was split into R4 million for the immovable
property and R13 mill ion for the movable property. There is nothing in the judgment
that suggests that th is was claimed to be an improper monetary allocation of the
base cost to the movable and immovable assets respectively. The practitioner took
the view t hat the nal ag reements should be ame nded to render Af rimat liable for
the auctioneer’s commission on the full pu rchase price, rather than on the purchase
price of the immovable propert y only. In addition, the practitioner claimed that
Afrimat had to accept liability for the disbu rsements of the auctioneers in the form
of advertising costs, social me dia costs and security expenses.
Although the supreme court of appeal addressed all the relevant factual issues,
it is extremely dif cult to c onnect the dots without also reading the judgment of
the court of rst i nstance and the founding afdavit, both of which were gr aciously
made available to the writer by A frimat’s attorneys. It is not automatic for purchaser s
to pay agent’s commission; normally one expects this to be a matter between a seller
and the agent. The offer that was published on the auctioneer’s website required
the successful purchaser to pay commission in add ition to the purchase price. The
commission was to be calculated on the purchase price of the immovable property
of the company only. Afrimat clearly had no hand i n drafting the clause relating to
commission. The published offer also provided for the s ale of the movable assets of
the company, being mostly mining equipment and the mineral rights in the farm,
which was owned by a third par ty (Soliter).
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd

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