Slapping down SLAPP suits in South Africa: The need for legislative protection and civil society action
Author | Emmamally, Z. |
DOI | |
Published date | 23 February 2022 |
Date | 23 February 2022 |
Citation | (2022) 139 SALJ 1 |
Pages | 1-31 |
VOL 13 9
(Par t 1)
Independent Researcher
A perniciou s strand of legal proceedin gs, instituted by auen t parties to cow th eir
critics int o silence, is sweep ing through the world, dis couraging engageme nt on
issues of public int erest. These p roceedings, term ed strategic litigation agai nst public
participatio n (SLAPP) suits, ha ve had deleterio us eects on a ran ge of rights,
prompting civil so ciety to push for targ eted legislative prote ction against the se
lawsuits. Afte r examining the phen omenon of SLA PP suits in South Afr ica and
the ineca cy of existing prote ctions, this art icle acknowle dges that the enac tment of
anti-SLA PP legislation is n ecessary, and conside rs what this legisl ation should look
like in South Afr ica. However, sinc e the experie nce of other jur isdictions revea ls that
anti-SLA PP laws have occ asionally been in eective or hav e been subverted to c reate
further inju stice, this articl e recommends a range o f civil society initi atives that could
be employed conc omitantly with legi slation to curb SL APP suits.
SLAPP suit s — freedom of expression — abu se of process — ant i-SLAPP
‘For pity is the v irtue of the law,
And none but ty rants use it cruell y.’1
States, companies, and other pr ivate part ies are exploiting the judicia l
system to silence their crit ics, converting the courts f rom havens of justice
into unwitt ing dens of censorship. This tactic, ca lled a SLAPP (strategic
* The nancia l assist ance of the Nation al Research F oundation (‘N RF’)
towards th is research is her eby acknowledged. O pinions expre ssed and conclusions
drawn ar e those of the author, a nd are not necessa rily to b e attribut ed to
the NRF.
† BA LLB LLM (Wit watersra nd).
1 Willia m Shakespea re Timon of Athens Act 3, Scene 5.
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litigat ion again st public part icipation) suit,2 occurs when ler s3 portray
their crit ics as a threat to their rig hts or interest s,4 creating the impression
that the lawsu it constitutes valid lega l proceeding s while concea ling that
their true objective is to muzzle opponents and punish criticism.
SLAPP suits are general ly instit uted agai nst activ ists and hum an right s
organi sations, but even the ‘ordinar y’ populace risks bei ng ‘SLAPP-ed’ for
dari ng to voice dissatisfac tion with services t hey have received, abuses they
have endured, or ma lfeasance they have observed. SLAPP suits a re thus
everyone’s problem, and must be c urbed not only because they sti e public
criticism and debate, but also because they allow potential wrongdoing to
continue unopposed.
Although SLAPP suits may conceivably be rooted out by the cour ts
if they dismiss abusive ca ses or make adver se costs awards against lers,
the South African exper ience suggest s that these a re ineective and
uncertain solutions, since courts have often failed to exercise these powers
and have instead upheld the case made out by the ler. Therefore, anti-
SLAPP laws equ ivalent to those enacted in other jur isdict ions may serve
as a more eective model for curtailing the proliferation of SLAPP suits.
This may present its own complicat ions, however, as some jurisdictions
have witnessed t he continuing perversion of such legislation. W hile
punctil ious draf ting may prevent some abuses, legis lation on its own ca n
never be a panacea. Th is art icle suggests, therefore, that civ il societ y must
employ other tactics, in combinat ion with anti- SLAPP legi slation, to
eradicate SLAPP suits.
This ar ticle comprises four parts. Part II exa mines the controversy
surround ing the den ition and features of a SLAPP su it, and explores the
impact of these l awsuits. Par t III survey s the SLAPP-suit experience in
South Afr ica and, with reference to a SLAPP suit that is cur rently before
the South African courts, asses ses the adequac y of existi ng mechanisms
that might be used to avert a SLA PP suit. Part I V discusses the benets
and shortcomings of speci alised st atutory protection aga inst SLAPP suits.
The nal section looks at the li nk between civil societ y and the law,
considers four st rategies that civil society can eng age in to avert SL APP
suits, and a ssesses South A frica’s civil society respon se to SLAPP suits.
2 Int ernation al authors ref er to ‘SLAPPs’, but this a rticle fol lows the South
Afric an terminology of ‘ SLAPP suits’.
3 Since a SLAPP suit may t ake the form of ac tion or applicat ion proceedin gs,
this ar ticle refer s to those who ins titute such law suits broad ly as ‘ler s’, as does
other litera ture on SLA PP suits.
4 George W Pring & Penelope Can an SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Sp eaking Out
(1996) 10.
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