Robert Feenstra's influence on South African property law

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Date30 August 2019
Published date30 August 2019
Citation2000 Acta Juridica 339
AuthorAndrè van der Walt
Robert Feenstra's influence on South African property law
2000 Acta Juridica 339
André Van Der Walt *
University of Stellenbosch
The mai n contributions to th is edition of Acta Juridica c oncentrate on the l aw of del ict,
but I would like to pay homage to Robert Feenstra for the contribution he has made and
for the influence he has had (and still has) on the academic and theoretical study of
property law in South Africa. Being a pr operty lawyer myself and a life-long member of
the Feenstra fan club, I cannot avoid the personal tone of my contribution, so please
bear with me.
Twenty years ago I wrote to Professor Mr Robert Feenstra whom I then still knew
only by reputation as the greatest li ving exponent of the historical method and father of
the South African 'Feenstra Sch ool' of legal historians-to ask whether he would be willing
to receive me in Leyden and to guide and advise me on my doctoral thesis. Typically, he
not only responded warmly, but also sent me two offprints of then recently published
articles from hi s pen. Fi ttingly, one of these was an article published in the 1976 edition
of Acta Juridica: 'Hugo de Groot's eerste beschouwingen over dominium en over de
oorsprong van de private eigendom: Mare Liberum en zijn bronnen' 1 the othe r was an
article published in a Dutch journal: 'Historische aspecten van de private eigendom als
rechtsinstituut'). 2 These and simi lar articles by Feenstra had a huge influence on the
theoretical and historical study of property law in South Africa, e ven (or perhaps
especially) after the advent of the new constitutional order an d the introduction of l and
reform laws. 3 These little offprints i ntroduced me to a wonderful new and exciting world
of legal-historical learning and study, and they defined the fiel d of academic interest that
was to remain my first love until today: the development of private property as an
institution of law and its relation to broader historical, social, poli tical and philosophical
developments. More specifically, his vivid and lively
* B Iur Hons (BA) LLB LLD (PUCHE) LLM (Witwatersrand). Professor of Public Law, University of Stellenbosch.
2000 Acta Juridica 340
discussion of property r elations in feudal and medieval learned law and in early modern
sources such as Grotius opened my eyes to the wonderful tradition of post-classical
roman law.
Although Feenstra had then and has since published many other articles on the
history and development of various aspects of property law, 4 ranging from the notion
1 1976 Acta Juridica 269
2 1976 Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 248.
3 Apart from my own (Die Ontwikkeling van Houerskap Potchefstroom University for CHE 1985), Feenstra also
influenced the doctoral theses and later publications of historians and property lawyers such as Derek van der
Merwe (Oorlas in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg University of Pretoria 1982), Duard Kleyn (Die Mandament van
Spolie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg University of Pretoria 1986), Irma Kroeze (Between Conceptualism and
Constitutionalism: Private-law and Constitutional Perspectives on Property Unisa 1997) and Johan Erasmus
(The Interaction between Property Rights and Land Reform in the Constitutional Order in South Africa Unisa
1998). 339
4 To name just a few obvious examples: 'Action publicienne et preuve de la propriété, principalement d'apres
quelques romanistes du moyen age' Mélanges Philippe Meylan I (1963) 91 (Also published in Robert Feenstra
Fata Iuris Romani. Etudes d'Histoire du Droit (1974) 119); 'Les origines du dominium utile chez les Glossateurs
(avec un appendice concernant l'opinion des Ultramontani)' Flores Legum HJ Scheltema, Antecessori
Groningano Oblati (1971) 49 (Also published in Feenstra Fata Iuris Romani. Etudes d'Histoire du Droit (1974)
215); ' "Quaestiones de materia feudorum" de Jacques de Révigny' (1972) 84 Studi Senesi 379 (Also published
in Feenstra Fata Iuris Romani. Etudes d'Histoire du Droit (1974) 298); 'L'emphytéose et le problème des droits
réels' in La Formazione Storica del Diritto Moderno in Europa, Atti del Terzo Congresso Internazionale della
Società italiana di Storia del Diritto (1977) vol. III 1295; 'Der Eigentumsbegriff bei Hugo Grotius im Licht
einiger mittelalterlicher und spätscholastischer Quellen' in Festschrift für Franz Wieacker zum 70. Geburtstag
(1978) 209; 'Ius in re: Het begrip zakelijk recht in historisch perspectief. Voordracht gehouden aan de
2000 Acta Juridica 339
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