Recent Case: Specific crimes

JurisdictionSouth Africa
AuthorRonald Louw
Citation(2003) 16 SACJ 415
Date24 May 2019
Published date24 May 2019
Specific Crimes
University of Natal, Durban
Contravention of Act 1 of 1988
S v Flanagan
2003 (2) SACR 98 (E), the accused was charged with a
contravention of s 17(a) of the Domestic Violence Act 1998, alternatively with
a contravention of s 1(1) of the General Law Amendment Act 1 of 1988. He
was charged on the main count as he had allegedly violated a provision of a
protection order made earlier in terms the Domestic Violence Act. The
violation in question related to the accused taking food from his wife and
flushing it down the toilet. He was apparently intoxicated at the time. The
accused pleaded guilty to the alternative charge and was sentenced to a
period of imprisonment suspended on certain conditions.
As a mere conviction of contravening s 1(1) of Act 1 of 1988 says nothing
of the nature of the actual offence, on review the court applied the decision
S v Maki
1994 (2) SACR 414 (E). In that decision the court held that an
essential element of the offence contained in Act 1 of 1988 is the commission
of the wrongful act contained in the main charge. Accordingly the conviction
on the alternative charge should reflect that, as a failure to do so would in
practical terms result in a meaningless record of the conviction. However, the
conviction should not be recorded in such a manner as to create the
impression that the accused had been convicted or punished for the original
offence. In this case the correct manner of recording the conviction should
have been: 'Guilty of a contravention of s 1(1) of Act 1 of 1988 (following
upon a contravention of s 17(a) of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998, in
respect of which the accused was acquitted)' (at 101j).
Furthermore, the court held that any conditions of suspension should
make reference to both the main count and the contravention of Act 1 of
1988. The reason for this is, again, that an essential element of the alternative
charge is the wrongful act in the main charge. Thus the correct manner of
recording the suspension of sentence should have been (at 102h-i
(2003) 16 SACJ 415
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