Recent Case: Law of evidence

AuthorWhitear, N.
Published date07 July 2022
Date07 July 2022
Citation(2022) 35 SACJ 101
Law of evidence
University of KwaZulu-Natal
1 Attestation of an affidavit by a commissioner of oaths:
what constitutes an ‘interest’ in the matter disqualifying
the commissioner of oaths from attesting to the
In the case of Kouwenhoven v Minister of Police (2022 (1) SACR 164
(SCA)), the appellant appealed against the high cour t’s dismissal of an
application for the review and setting aside of a warrant of arres t issued
for him. The warrant of ar rest had been issued in terms of s 5(1)(b) of
the Extradition Act 67 of 1962 at the request of the government of the
Netherlands after the conviction of the appellant t here of complicity
in war crimes.
The unanimous judgement by the Supreme Cour t of Appeal was
penned by Wallis JA.
In this discussion, on ly one of the appellant’s grounds of appeal
will be dealt with, namely th at an afdavit by Warrant Ofcer Van
der Heever of the Pretoria National Central Bureau of Interp ol was
invalidly attested to and was therefore inadm issible. The argument
was that the attesting ofcer, Sgt Van Hagen, was employed in the
same ofce as Van der Heever and that she therefore had an interest
in the litigation to which the afdavit related, which d isqualied her
from acting as a commissioner of oaths w ith regard to his afdavit
(at pa ra [2 8]).
The basis for this challenge to the attest ation of the afdavit was
reg 7(1) of the ‘Regulations Governing the Admin istering of an Oath or
Afrm ation’ (published in terms of s 10 of the Justices of the Peace and
Commissioners of Oaths Act 16 of 1963, GN R1258, GG 3619, 21July
1972, as amended) (the regulations)). Regulation 7(1) provides that
a commissioner of oaths shall not admi nister an oath or afr mation
relating to a matter in which they have an interest. In ter ms of reg 7(2),
reg 7(1) does not apply to an afdavit or declaration mentioned in the
schedule to the regulations. Item 2 of the schedule to the regulations
provides for ‘a declaration taken by a commissioner of oaths who
is not an attorney and whose only interest therein a rises out of his
employment and in the course of his duty’ (at para [28]). The statutory
position is thus that a commissioner of oaths who is not an at torney
is not forbidden from attesting to an afdavit relating to a matter
Recent cases 101
(2022) 35 SACJ 101
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