Recent Case: General principles and specific offences

AuthorHoctor, S.
Published date23 February 2022
Date23 February 2022
Citation(2021) 34 SACJ 482
General principles and
specic offences
Stellenbosch University
1 General principles
1.1 Private defence
The appellant in the case of S v Janki 2021 JDR 2267 (KZP) had been
convicted of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm in the
court a quo, following an incident where he shot the complainant in the
legs. This conviction was then taken on appeal to the KwaZulu-Natal
High Court ( Janki v S (AR65/2020) [2021] ZAK ZPHC 67 (19 August
2021)), where the court was required to assess whether the appellant
could rely on the justication ground of private defence. (The fur ther
issue that the appeal court was required to address, relating to the
appellant’s disqualication from possessing a rearm, is not discussed
be lo w.)
The following facts were common cause: that the complainant was
shot by the appellant; that the shooting took place after an argument
between the complainant on one side, and the brother and father
of the appellant, as well as a third person, on the ot her; and that
the wounds sustained by the complainant (the nature of which were
agreed by the parties) were caused by a single gunshot (at para [13]).
The version of the complainant and the appellant differed as follows. It
was averred by the complainant that the argument broke out after the
complainant alleged that the appellant’s brother had taken a tarpaulin
from the complainant’s employer. According to the complainant, this
resulted in a gun being pointed at him by the appellant’s brother, and
the third person slapping him. A fter the complainant withdrew to the
workshop, he was confronted by the appellant, who shot him, and
then left the scene without rendering any assistance. The complainant
was taken to hospital as a result of being shot, where he remained
for four months (at paras [10]–[11]). The appellant’s version of events
was that he shot the complainant in defence of his person, when the
(2021) 34 SACJ 482
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