Recent Case: General principles and specific offences

Citation(2021) 34 SACJ 372
Date17 November 2021
AuthorAnderson, A.
Published date17 November 2021
General principles and
specic offences
University of Limpopo
1 General principles
1.1 Attempt to commit armed robbery with aggravating
If an offence is not actually comm itted, when does planning to
commit the crime exceed the para meters of preparation and reach the
threshold of attempt to commit the cri me? This was the perti nent issue
before the court in Tilayi v S (CA22/2020) [2021] ZAECMHC 13; [2021] 3
All SA 261 (ECM), an appeal to the full bench of the Eastern Cape High
Court on a conviction on various charges. (T his section will focus on
the conviction by the court on attempted robber y with aggravating
circumstances). A group, including the appellant, planned to commit
armed robbery on a cash-i n-transit vehicle en route to deliver cash at
a pension pay point. The group held a planning meeting, acquired
numerous heavy calibre rear ms, including AK47s and other military-
style assault weapons, and two vehicles. They travelled in two groups
to the intended location of the robbery and awaited the ar rival of
the vehicle transporting the ca sh. All these actions indicate ca reful
planning and preparation on their p art. Contrary to t heir expectations,
their presence at the location aroused suspicion and the cash-in- transit
company was notied. The South Af rican Police Service was called
upon and dispatched several vehicles to accompany the cash-in-
transit vehicles. On becoming aware of the police escort t he would-be
robbers called off their i ntended robbery. As they were leaving the
intended location of the crime, they encountered the approaching
police convoy, which embarked on a pursuit duri ng which several
shots were exchanged and a police ofcer was fatally wounded.
The appellant was later apprehended and convicted of murder,
attempted murder, attempted robbery with aggravating ci rcumstances
and rearms-related offences.
(2021) 34 SACJ 372
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