Recent Case: Evidence

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Published date24 May 2019
Citation(1999) 12 SACJ 259
AuthorPJ Schwikkard
Date24 May 2019
Recent Cases • Vonnisse
Rhodes University
Child witnesses
S v Stefaans
1999 (1) SACR 182 (C) Mitchell AJ was called upon to hear an
appeal against a conviction for the rape of a 16 year old girl. The court found
it unnecessary to deal with the merits of the appeal as shortly before the
hearing supplementary heads of argument were filed in which it was alleged
that the complainant's evidence had not been properly put before the court a
quo as the court had admonished the accused without having established
whether the complainant was capable of understanding and making an oath
or affirmation. The court, while indicating that it was not satisfied that it was
an appropriate case for the application of s 164 of the Criminal Procedure
Act, found it unnecessary to decide the point as the court questioned
whether s 170A of the Criminal Procedure Act had been appropriately
applied. The court found that it had not, set aside the conviction and
sentence, but declined to deal with the appeal on the merits leaving it to the
Director of Public Prosecutions to decide whether a further prosecution
should follow.
The relevant provisions of s 170A read as follows:
'(1) Whenever criminal proceedings are pending before any court and it appears
to such court that it would expose any witness under the age of eighteen years to
(1999) 12 SACJ 259
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