Recent Case: Criminal law
Date | 06 July 2020 |
Author | Anderson, A. |
Published date | 06 July 2020 |
Citation | (2020) 33 SACJ 213 |
Pages | 213-224 |
Criminal law
University of Limpopo
1 General principles
1.1 Common purpose
1.1.1 Introduction
The application of the principles of common purpose liabi lity, in the
context of rape, was recently claried by the Constit utional Court in
the ground-breaking judgment i n Tshabalala v The State; Ntuli v The
State 2020 (3) BCLR 307 (CC), 2019] ZACC 48. This sett led years of
differentiating opinions of South A frican courts on whether someone
can be convicted of rape if it cannot be proven that they them selves
had penetrated the victim, by respondi ng to this question in the
afrmative. The doc trine of common purpose implies that t wo or more
participants in a cr ime may share liability, regardless whether they all
participated in each and every element of the cri me. The unanimous
judgment of the court was delivered by Mathopo AJ (with Khampepe J
and Victor AJ delivering separate but concurring judgment s) who held
that ‘for far too long rape has been used as a tool to relegate women
of this country to second- class citizens, over whom men can exercise
their power and control, and in doing so, strip them of their right s to
equality, human dignity and bod ily integrity’ (para [1]). Moreover, the
court held that the general misconception th at rape is a crime purely
about sex had to be challenged in order to combat patriarchy and rape
culture (para [63]).
1.1.2 The facts
The case before the court stems from a r ampage and reign of terror,
an orgy of brutalit y and plunder perpetrated by a group of young
men one night in September 1998 when they ransacked a section of
the township Tembisa, forcing entry to several shacks, ransacking and
looting as far as they went. The ood of violence also included the rape
of eight women, some of them repeatedly and by several members of
(2020) 33 SACJ 213
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