Preliminary notes - subscription

Published date06 April 2021
Date06 April 2021
Subscriptions taken through agents or bookshops:
R992,00 (including VAT but excluding postage and packaging)
Inskrywings deur agente of boekwinkels:
R992,00 (BTW ingesluit maar sonder posgeld en verpakking)
Subscriptions taken directly through Juta:
R992,00 (including VAT but excluding postage and packaging)
Inskrywings direk deur Juta:
R992,00 (BTW ingesluit maar sonder posgeld en verpakking)
Postage and packaging charges: R235,00 per subscription
Posgeld en verpakkingskoste: R235,00 per inskrywing
Subscriptions should be directed to the publisher:
JUTA Law, PO Box 24299, Lansdowne, 7779, Republic of South Africa
E-mail: cserv©
Inskrywings moet gerig word aan die uitgewer:
JUTA Law, Posbus 24299, Lansdowne, 7779, Republiek van Suid-Afrika
E-pos: cserv©
Exclusive Distributors in North America:
Gaunt, Inc., Gaunt Building, 3011 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach,
Florida 34217-2199, USA
Telephone: 941-778-5211. Fax: 941-778-5252.
E-mail: info©
Three issues of SA Merc LJ will appear annually, published by
Juta Law for the School of Law, University of South Africa
Drie uitgawes van SA Merc LJ sal jaarliks verskyn, uitgegee deur
Juta Law vir die Skool vir Regsgeleerdheid, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika
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(2020) 32 SA Merc LJ Subscription
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd

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