Multilateralism and Management of Public Health Emergencies: A Case Study of the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 Outbreak
Author | Udoka Ndidiamaka Owie |
DOI | 10.25159/2522-6800/10290 |
Published date | 01 June 2022 |
Date | 01 June 2022 |
Pages | 1-15 |
Southern African Public Law
ISSN 2522-6800 (Online)
#10290 | 15 pages
© Unisa Press 2022
Multilateralism and Management of Public Health
Emergencies: A Case Study of the Africa Joint
Continental Strategy for COVID-19 Outbreak
Udoka Ndidiamaka Owie
York University, Canada
As the world continues to grapple with a pandemic that struck in January 2020,
the responses of governments and international organisations to control and
combat it varied albeit with different levels of success. Some responses gave
rise to nationalist as well as anti-multilateral and -international sentiments and
actions, including the politicisation of the pandemic and a retreat from
multilateral and international institutions of cooperation. However, the African
Union’s response was a beacon of multilateralism as manifested by the adoption
of an Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 Outbreak. This
instrument is a coherent and pervasive framework for combatting the pandemic
and forms the basis of the continent’s response by informing the responses of
the regional economic communities and member states. Despite this important
outline of policy articulation that is geared towards informing policy
convergence, the Africa Joint Continental Strategy remains under-analysed and
under-appreciated as an example of agency, effectiveness, leadership,
multilateralism and indeed sagacity.
Keywords: African Union; Africa CDC; COVID-19; joint continental strategy;
multilateralism; regional economic communities; regional coordinating
centres; African agency
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