
JurisdictionSouth Africa
AuthorOlivier Moréteau
Date16 August 2019
Citation(2015) 2(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 1
Published date16 August 2019
Juris Diversitas was founded in 2007 as an international, interdisciplinary
community for the study of legal and normative mixtures and movements.
Originally composed of comparative law scholars, the group has opened
interdisciplinary conversations with anthropologists, geographers, historians,
philosophers, economists, linguists and sociologists, both within the law and
beyond, to explore the interaction of the law with all branches of human and
social sciences. Members are to be found on all continents and in many f‌ields,
expanding the outreach of comparative legal studies way beyond the limits of
the Western world. Juris Diversitas indeed challenges the Eurocentric and
Western-centric vision of the world.
After having partnered with other institutions to organise events and
promote publications, Juris Diversitas came to offer an annual conference of
its own, f‌irst in Lausanne in June 2013 (‘Diffusion’) and then in Aix-en-
Provence in 2014 (‘Comparative Law and . . . /Le droit comparé et . . .’).
The Aix-en-Provence conference attracted well over 100 participants from
all over the world, placing Africa higher on the map. Nearly one paper out of
ten addressed the African continent: still a small number but a relatively large
one when compared with comparative law conferences held elsewhere in
the world. While only one half of the other conference papers will be
published in the conference volume (Comparative Law and . . . / Le droit
comparé et . . ., Presses universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2015), f‌ive African
papers are published in this special issue of the Journal of Comparative Law in
Africa, patiently compiled by Professor Salvatore Mancuso, Editor-in-Chief
of the journal, and Vice President of Juris Diversitas.
These papers feature signif‌icant regions of the continent and rich aspects of
its legal activity. They connect Africa with the rest of the world, with the
ethos of religion. They address constitutional law, codif‌ication, develop-
ment, criminal law, land law, intellectual property, and other aspects of
business activity. They feature non-African and African scholars working
inside and outside Africa. This is a lot more than a sample of comparative law
in Africa; this is a promising seed for the development of interdisciplinary
comparative legal studies inside and around the continent, within and outside
Juris Diversitas.
Juris Diversitas annual conferences travel around the world: Ireland
(Limerick) in 2015, the United States (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) in 2016. It is
hoped that Juris Diversitas will meet in Africa in the years to come, and
contribute in placing Africa at the forefront of comparative legal studies, as
does the Journal of Comparative Law in Africa.
Olivier Moréteau
President of Juris Diversitas
(2015) 2(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 1
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