Intellectual property protection for software: A global perspective and lessons for development and reform in Nigeria

Date12 February 2020
Published date12 February 2020
AuthorAdewopo, A.
Citation(2019) IPLJ 1
 
Professor, Nigerian Insti tute of Advanced Legal Studies
The protectio n of software or comput er programs a s the case may be is per haps one of
the most intr actable intellec tual property (IP) mat ters in the regulation of tec hnological
innovation. It ha s engendered considerable controver sy in the normative stru cture of IP
law and in its inte raction with the rapid tec hnological advances of the 21st centur y in the
                
inexorably shaped t he boundaries of its pre cise legal protection. From co untry to count ry,
                
   
article disc usses the subject from a global an d development perspective. It exami nes the
IP standa rd for software protection u nder the Nigerian law and comp ares it with the UK,
EU and the US, and prop oses reform of the existin g regime.
KEYWORDS: Compute r programs; copyrig ht; patents; sui generis protection; Nigeria
  
While the natu re of software as a u nique technological innovation has largely
    
           
protection. The discord ant tunes from key players in t he major intellectual
     
                      1 have cont inued
                   
1 Since the advent of com puter technology and sof tware industr y following, there has be en a rich
body of literat ure on the subject. Ge nerally, among others, se e WR Cornish ‘Compute r Program
Copyright a nd the Berne Convention’ (1990) 12 EIPR 129; AG Gonzalez ‘The sof tware patent
debate’ (2006) 1(3) Journal of Inte llectual Prope rty Law and Pr actice 196–206; M Bu zzi et
al ‘Patentabilit y of Computer-Impleme nted Inventions: T he European Di rective Propo sal’
(2005) IA DIS Internationa l Conference e-So ciety; RP Merges ‘As Many As Six Po ssible Patents
Before Breakfa st: Propert y Rights for Busi ness Concepts A nd Patent System Refor m’ (1999)
14 Be rkeley Technolog y Law Journal 577; G Ghidini and E Arez zo ‘Dynamic competition i n
software develo pment: how copyrights, and p atents and their overlappin g impact on derivative
innovation’ (2013) 3(4) Queen Mary Jour nal of Intel. Prop 278–295; SJ H Graham and D C
Mowery ‘Intellec tual Property Pr otection in the US Software I ndustry’ in WM Cohen a nd SA
Merill (eds) Patents in t he Knowledge-Based Ec onomy (2003) 219; PS Menell ‘Can Our Curr ent
Conception of Copy right Law Survive the Int ernet Age? Envisioning Copyr ight Law’s Digital
(2019) IPLJ 1
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
to shape the debate on the legal lands cape. From a developing country
perspective, the impe rative for rethinki ng the scope of legal protection for
software innovation is even more comp elling. This is so given the rapidly
expanding frontier s of new technologies which are shaping the ec onomic and
cultural models for foster ing local inventive and innovation capacities a nd
bridging the persist ent digital gap. The centrality of IP protect ion for software
raises import ant questions of the promotion of creativity, innovation a nd
           
sustain the never-ending d iscussion of its legal protection.
This art icle seeks to contribute to the I P software debate. It is divided into
six parts. In pa rt one, the art icle underpins the discou rse on the import ance
of software as a technological in novation. In part two, it discus ses the state
of IP protection under patent a nd copyright laws, the two pri mary legal
    
the duality and complexit y of protection of software. In par t three, the paper
       
             
has character ised IP software cont roversy. It examines emergent trends in
the software indus try globally and Nigeria. I n part four, the art icle examines
software protection u nder the draft I ndustrial Prope rty Commis sion Bill
(IPCOM Bill) in Nigeria as a signpost to t he nature and scope of protect ion
            
development policy perspectives in the prote ction available under patent and
copyright laws and draws on t he lessons of inadequacies of both protec tions.
Based on the problems associated w ith patent and copyright regi mes, part
    sui generis regime as a desi rable and appropriate
protection for software tech nology, hinging it on the need for legal certai nty
and tailoring an i mportant technological subject matter to meet t he objectives
of development in a developing country like Nigeria.
  
The invention of the computer in the last ce ntury has sp awned waves of
information and a com munication technology revolution. The effect of
software progra ms has been felt in all facets of huma n enterprise and
Future’ (2002-2003) 46 N. Y. L. Sc h. L. Rev. 63; DL Burk ‘Patent La w’s Problem Children:
Software an d Biotechnology in Tran satlantic Context’ i n RL Okediji and MA Ba gley Patent Law
in Global Perspective (2014) 187; SK Verma ‘IP Protection of sof tware and software con tracts
in India: A Lega l Quagmire!’ (2012) 17 Journal of Intell Prop Rights 2 84–295; F Marino and T
Nguyen ‘From Alappat t o Alice: The Evolution of Software Pate nts’ (2017) 9 Hastings Scie nce
& Tec. Law Rev 1; S McJohn ‘Top tens in 2017: Patent, Trade Mark , Copyright an d Trade
Secret Cases’ (2018) 16 NW J Tech & Intell Prop 41; Michael Campolongo ‘Pat ent Eligibility
of Emerging Compu ter Technologies in the Afte rmath of Alice Corp v C LS’ (2019) Law School
Student Scholarship 988, available at schola udent_schol arship/988 (accesse d
10 July 2019); C Okoye ‘Patenting Computer Prog rams under Nig erian Law’ (2016) 7(4) The
Gravitas Rev iew of Business & Prop erty Law 93.
2 South African Intellectual Property Law Journal (2019) 7
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