Fingerprint evidence under scrutiny: Issues raised by six international forensic reports (Part 2)
Author | Meintjes-van der Walt, L. |
Date | 06 July 2020 |
Citation | (2020) 33 SACJ 168 |
Pages | 168-191 |
Published date | 06 July 2020 |
Fingerprint evidence under
scrutiny: Issues raised by six
international forensic reports
(part 2)
Part 1 of this ar ticle, separately published in 2019 (32(2)) SACJ 155, scrutinises
the Mayeld Report and t he NAS Report with rega rd to ngerprint
evidence. This sect ion, Part 2 of the art icle, specically inter rogates
the 2011 Scottish Fingerprint I nquiry Repor t (SFI Report) (consisting of
750 pages); the 2012 National Institute of Science and Technology Repor t
(NIST Report) (consisting of 249 pages), the 2016 Forensic Science in
Criminal C ourts: Ensuring Sc ientic Validity of Feature- Comparison Methods
Report by the President’s Council of Adv isors on Science and Technology
(PCAST Report) (consisting of 174 pages) and the 2017 Forensic Science
Assessments: AQ uality and Gap A nalysis: Latent Fingerpri nt Examination
of the American A ssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS Repor t)
(consisting of 166 pages). In this article, the summ aries of these exten sive
and incisive reports and t he recommendations conta ined therein, clearly
reect a start ling similar ity in the ndi ngs of the different repor ts. It is
pointed out that all the rep orts register per tinent challenges faced by
ngerprint evidence wit h regard to validity and r eliability. The article
concludes by asserting that S outh Africa m ight well heed the challenges
and shortcomings regist ered by these reports when de ciding on the relative
weight that should be attached to nger print evidence.
* BJuris LLB (UPE); LL M (Rhodes); LLD (Rijksunversiteit Leide n), Adjunct Professor of
Law, Leader of the Law, Science and Justice Rese arch Niche Area, University of Fort
** LLB; LL M (University of Fort Ha re).
(2020) 33 SACJ 168
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
1 The Scottish Fingerprint Inquiry Report 2011
The third repor t that is examined below is the so -called Fingerprint
Inquiry repor t conducted in Scotland (hereafter SF I Report).1 In 2011,
this report, compiled by Judge Campbell, af ter Shirley McKie was
considered connected to a murder case by one ngerprint on ly, echoed
the challenges against ngerpr int evidence raised in the Mayeld
Report and the NAS Report.
1.1 The factual background of HM Advocate v McKie (1999)
In 1997, Ms Marion Margaret Campbell Ross was murdered and found
dead in her house in Kilma rnock, Scotland. Four hundred and t wenty-eight
ngerprints were found at the crime scene and were sent to the Fingerpr int
Bureau of the Scottish Crim inal Record Ofce (hereaf ter the SCRO).2
The SCRO identied a latent print marked Y7 as M s McKie’s ngerprint.3
Ms McKie was part of the team wh ich investigated the death of Ms Ross.
Another ngerprint li fted from a gif t tag in the house marked XF was
identied as Mr David Asbur y’s. The trial proceeded and Mr A sbury was
convicted of the murder of Ms Ross. During the tr ial, issues arose against
the provenance of some ngerprints and suggestions of planti ng were
made. However, no issue arose with any of the identications made by
SCRO.4 Ms McK ie was one of the witnesses and she gave evidence about
her involvement in the murder investigation. In her evidence she denied
that the ngerprint att ributed to her was hers, she denied being in the
house of the deceased beyond the porch.5 Subsequently, Shirley McKie
was charged with perjur y and the grounds that justi ed her conviction
were that she had testied falsely under oath.6
Mr Pat Wertheim and Mr David Grieve, two American ngerprint
experts, in 1999 raised questions w ith regard to the identication of
Y7 in the McKie case a nd as a consequence of this Ms McKie was
unanimously acquitted by the jur y.7 After the acquitt al, her father, Mr Iain
McKie, questioned certai n aspects of the prosecution of Ms McKie
and expressed concerns regarding the conduct and the tr aining of
1 A Campbell The Fingerpr int Inquiry Report (2011) (S FI Repor t).
2 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
3 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
4 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
Fingerprint evidence under scrutiny: Issues raised
by six international forensic reports (part 2) 169
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