Fingerprint evidence under scrutiny: Issues raised by six international forensic reports (Part 2)

AuthorMeintjes-van der Walt, L.
Date06 July 2020
Citation(2020) 33 SACJ 168
Published date06 July 2020
Fingerprint evidence under
scrutiny: Issues raised by six
international forensic reports
(part 2)
Part 1 of this ar ticle, separately published in 2019 (32(2)) SACJ 155, scrutinises
the Mayeld Report and t he NAS Report with rega rd to ngerprint
evidence. This sect ion, Part 2 of the art icle, specically inter rogates
the 2011 Scottish Fingerprint I nquiry Repor t (SFI Report) (consisting of
750 pages); the 2012 National Institute of Science and Technology Repor t
(NIST Report) (consisting of 249 pages), the 2016 Forensic Science in
Criminal C ourts: Ensuring Sc ientic Validity of Feature- Comparison Methods
Report by the President’s Council of Adv isors on Science and Technology
(PCAST Report) (consisting of 174 pages) and the 2017 Forensic Science
Assessments: AQ uality and Gap A nalysis: Latent Fingerpri nt Examination
of the American A ssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS Repor t)
(consisting of 166 pages). In this article, the summ aries of these exten sive
and incisive reports and t he recommendations conta ined therein, clearly
reect a start ling similar ity in the ndi ngs of the different repor ts. It is
pointed out that all the rep orts register per tinent challenges faced by
ngerprint evidence wit h regard to validity and r eliability. The article
concludes by asserting that S outh Africa m ight well heed the challenges
and shortcomings regist ered by these reports when de ciding on the relative
weight that should be attached to nger print evidence.
* BJuris LLB (UPE); LL M (Rhodes); LLD (Rijksunversiteit Leide n), Adjunct Professor of
Law, Leader of the Law, Science and Justice Rese arch Niche Area, University of Fort
** LLB; LL M (University of Fort Ha re).
(2020) 33 SACJ 168
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1 The Scottish Fingerprint Inquiry Report 2011
The third repor t that is examined below is the so -called Fingerprint
Inquiry repor t conducted in Scotland (hereafter SF I Report).1 In 2011,
this report, compiled by Judge Campbell, af ter Shirley McKie was
considered connected to a murder case by one ngerprint on ly, echoed
the challenges against ngerpr int evidence raised in the Mayeld
Report and the NAS Report.
1.1 The factual background of HM Advocate v McKie (1999)
In 1997, Ms Marion Margaret Campbell Ross was murdered and found
dead in her house in Kilma rnock, Scotland. Four hundred and t wenty-eight
ngerprints were found at the crime scene and were sent to the Fingerpr int
Bureau of the Scottish Crim inal Record Ofce (hereaf ter the SCRO).2
The SCRO identied a latent print marked Y7 as M s McKie’s ngerprint.3
Ms McKie was part of the team wh ich investigated the death of Ms Ross.
Another ngerprint li fted from a gif t tag in the house marked XF was
identied as Mr David Asbur y’s. The trial proceeded and Mr A sbury was
convicted of the murder of Ms Ross. During the tr ial, issues arose against
the provenance of some ngerprints and suggestions of planti ng were
made. However, no issue arose with any of the identications made by
SCRO.4 Ms McK ie was one of the witnesses and she gave evidence about
her involvement in the murder investigation. In her evidence she denied
that the ngerprint att ributed to her was hers, she denied being in the
house of the deceased beyond the porch.5 Subsequently, Shirley McKie
was charged with perjur y and the grounds that justi ed her conviction
were that she had testied falsely under oath.6
Mr Pat Wertheim and Mr David Grieve, two American  ngerprint
experts, in 1999 raised questions w ith regard to the identication of
Y7 in the McKie case a nd as a consequence of this Ms McKie was
unanimously acquitted by the jur y.7 After the acquitt al, her father, Mr Iain
McKie, questioned certai n aspects of the prosecution of Ms McKie
and expressed concerns regarding the conduct and the tr aining of
1 A Campbell The Fingerpr int Inquiry Report (2011) (S FI Repor t).
2 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
3 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
4 SFI Report op cit (n1) 31.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
Fingerprint evidence under scrutiny: Issues raised
by six international forensic reports (part 2) 169
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