Eyewitness identification of multiple perpetrators
Published date | 03 November 2020 |
Author | Nortkie, A. |
Date | 03 November 2020 |
Citation | (2020) 33 SACJ 348 |
Pages | 348-381 |
Eyewitness identication of
multiple perpetrators*
To date, research and South Afric an case law has largely ignored the memory
burden experienced by witnesse s to multiple-perpetr ator crimes and failed
to address the challenges t hat arise when admi nistering identi cation
parades for such crimes. Empi rical research sugges ts that eyewitnesses
to multiple-per petrator cri mes achieve low identi cation accurac y, which
worsens with the addition of each p erpetrator to be identi ed. Witnesses
to multiple-perpetr ator crimes also exper ience a unique memory task of
matching crim inal actions to per petrators. Prelim inary empir ical evidence
suggests witnesses pe rform poorly at this task. Although some i nternational
research documents t he difculties that of cers experience when conducting
identication parades, t here is little evidence of how South A frican ofcer s
administer pa rades in the eld. Thi s article presents empir ical evidence
from a sample of detectives in the Wester n Cape showing that in-eld
administr ation of parades for multiple-per petrator crimes a re not uniform,
and ofcers risk conducti ng parades that would not be considered ‘fair’. The
article concludes that the c urrent South Af rican guidelines m ay protably
be revised, so that di fculties assoc iated with admini stering parades for
multiple-perpetr ator crimes are allevi ated.
1 Introduction
Although there is ample research on eyewitness memor y for single-
perpetrator crimes, eyewitness memor y for multiple-perpetrator crimes
has been largely neglected by the law, police, and researchers. This
is surprising, given the prevalence and nature of multiple-per petrator
crimes in South A frica and international ly. Although reliable and up-
to-date crime st atistics reporting the pe rcentage of multiple-perpetrator
*This art icle was made possible with suppor t from the South Afr ican Centre for Digital
Language Resource s (SADiLaR). SADiLaR is a resea rch infrastructu re established by
the Departm ent of Science and Technology of the So uth African gover nment as
part of the Sout h African Rese arch Infrast ructure Road map (SARIR). The author (s)
received nancial supp ort for the research, aut horship, and/or publication of th is
article from the S outh African Centre for Digital L anguage Resources (SADiLaR).
** PhD (Psychology) (UCT), Postdocto ral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology,
University of Cape Town.
PhD (Psychology) (UCT), Professor in t he Department of Ps ychology, University of
Cape Town.
****PhD (Psycholog y) (York), Department of Crimina l Law and Crimi nology, Vrije
Universiteit Amster dam.
(2020) 33 SACJ 348
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crimes and the number of offenders are ha rd to nd, one can turn to
other sources such as the Victims of Cr ime Survey (VOCS) and peer-
reviewed research. Questions about the number of perpet rators were not
analysed in the 2013/20141 and 2016/2017 VO CS, 2 and not asked in the
2017/2018 VOC S.3 Fur thermore, only select key ndings from the VOCS
2018/2019 were reported in the latest publication of the Governance,
Public Safety and Justice.4 Findings from other peer-reviewed research
in South Africa a nd abroad that document the prevalence of multiple-
perpetrator crimes a re summarised in Table 1. The pattern of ndi ngs
suggests that (a) crimes are often committed by multiple perp etrators,
and (b) certain crimes are more l ikely to be committed by multiple
perpetrators (eg hijacking, assault).
Tabl e 1 Estimated prevalence of multiple -perpetrator crimes i n various countries
Country Source Cr ime type Per cent of
crimes committed
by multiple
Australia Au stralian Bur eau of Statistics,
20045Sexual assault 23.0%
European Union Agenc y for
Fundamental Rights, 20126Crimes agai nst
minority groups
46.0% –70.0%
Artz & Kuni saki, 20037Rape 50.0%
Jewkes et al, 20128Rape 17. 4%
1 Statistics Sout h Africa ‘Vic tims of Crim e Survey 2013/2014’ (2015), available at
http://beta2.statssa.gov.za/ publications/P0341/P03412013.pdf, accessed on
13 September 2020.
2 Statistics Sout h Africa ‘Vic tims of Crim e Survey 2016/2017’ (2018), available at
https://www.statssa.gov.za/ publications/P0341/P03412016.pdf, accessed on
13 September 2020.
3 Statistics Sout h Africa ‘Victims of C rime Survey 2017/2018’ (2019), available at http: //
www.statssa.gov.za / publications/P0341/P03412017.pdf, accessed on 13 September
4 Statistics Sout h Africa ‘Gover nance, Public Safety a nd Justice Survey: Vict ims of
Crime 2018/19’ (2019), available at http://www.statssa.gov.za/ publications/P0341/
P03412018.pdf, accessed on 13 September 2020.
5 Australian Bu reau of Statistic s ‘Sexual Assau lt in Australia : a Statistical O verview’
(2004) 26, available at htt p://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/
C41F8B2864D42333CA256 F070079CBD4/$File/45230_2004.pdf, accessed on
13 September 2020
6 European Union Agenc y for Fundamental Rights (FR A) ‘European Union Minorities
and Discrim ination Survey (EU-MIDIS). Data in Foc us Report: Minorities as Vict ims
of Crime’ (2012) 13.
7 Cited in MAH Hor vath & L Kelly ‘Multiple perpetrator rape: Na ming an offence and
initial rese arch ndings’ (200 9) 15 J Sexual Aggression 83.
8 R Jewkes, L Vetten, R Jina, N Chr istodes, R Sigsworth & L L oots ‘What we know-
and what we don’t: Single and multiple pe rpetrator rape i n South Afric a’ (2012) 41
SA Crime Q 11.
Eyewitness identication of multiple perpetrators 349
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Country Source Cr ime type Per cent of
crimes committed
by multiple
Maw, 20129R ape 30.0%
Statistics Sout h Africa, 201510 Theft 45.9%
Robbery 79.7 %
Hijacking 10 0.0%
Assault 4 8.4%
Sexual Assault 36.4%
Fraud 14.3 %
Statistics Sout h Africa, 201811 Household experience
of assault
Individual expe rience
of sexual offence
Individual expe rience
of assault
Swart et al, 200 012 Rape 30.0%
Vredeveldt et al, 201513 Various crimes 55%
Curran & Mil lie, 200314 Rape 19.0%
Franklin, 200415 Rape 10.0%–33.0%
Sourcebook of Cri minal Justice
Statistics, 200816 Violent Crimes
(ove ra ll)
20.5 %
Assault 75.8%
Robbery 22.8%
Rape 1.4%
9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16
Multiple-perpetrator crimes a re not limited to only two-per son
(ie, dyad) crimes; instead the number of perpetr ators involved in
multiple-perpetrator crimes va ries greatly. For example, of the 328
police dockets of multiple-perpetrator rapes repor ted in Johannesburg
9 S Maw The psychological i mpact of rape trauma: A lo ngitudinal study of adult
female survivor s in the Western Cape, South Afric a. PhD (University of Cape Town)
10 Statistics So uth Africa op cit (n1)
11 Statistics S outh Africa op c it (n2)
12 LA Swart, A Gilch rist, A Butchart, M Seedat & L Mar tin ‘Rape sur veillance thr ough
district su rgeon ofces in Johan nesburg, 1996–1998: Find ings, evaluation and
prevention implication s’ (2000) 30 SA J Psych’y 1.
13 A Vredeveldt, CG Tredoux, A Nortje, K Kemp en, C Puljevic´ & GN Labuschagne
‘A eld evaluation of the Eye-Closu re Interview wit h witnesses of serio us crimes’
(2015) 39 L & Hum Behav 189.
14 A Vredeveldt, CG Tredoux, A Nort je, K Kempen, C Puljevic´ & GN Labuschagne
‘A eld evaluation of the Eye-Closu re Interview wit h witnesses of serio us crimes’
(2015) 39 L & Hum Behav 189.
15 K Frankli n ‘Enacting masculinit y: Antigay violence and g roup rape as partic ipatory
theater’ (2004) 1 S exuality Res & Social Pol’y 25.
16 Sourcebook of Cri minal Justice Statistics ‘ Table 3.31. Estimated percent dis tribution
of violent victim izations by multiple offende rs by type of cri me and perceived race
of offenders’ (2008), available at http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/pdf/t3312008.
pdf, accessed on 13 September 202 0.
350 SACJ . (2020) 2
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