Criminal Law 4ed (2002)

Date24 May 2019
Published date24 May 2019
Criminal Law 4ed (2002)
by C R Snyman (2002)
Butterworths. v — xii & pp 616. Price 397.68
ISBN: 0409056278
University of KwaZulu
Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Since the appearance of the first edition of
in 1981, Professor
Snyman has established himself as one of the pre-eminent criminal law
scholars in South Africa. His lucidity of thought and expression, along with
his capacity for penetrating analysis, has graced his many publications in this
period. No-one conducting any research into the South African criminal law
today could do so adequately without first consulting Snyman on the point.
This deserved status is in no small measure due to the succeeding editions of
and its English counterpart,
Criminal Law,
which have appeared
with admirable regularity since 1981. The fourth edition of
Criminal Law
published in 2002, and this work evidences the laudable attributes that have
characterised this publication in the past.
Although Snyman's text has been praised by various reviewers over the
years for the clarity of the distinction between the statement of the prevailing
law and the author's own viewpoint, this view has not necessarily been shared
by students, who have further encountered some problems with the perceived
impenetrability of some of the discussion in the text. To Snyman's credit, he
has responded to such criticism by constantly seeking to refine and to simplify
the text without detracting from his admirably systematic approach.
Examples of the careful reworking of the text of the previous edition (3ed
(1995)) abound. A few fall to be mentioned for the sake of illustration. The
(2004) 17 SACJ 394
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