Comment: The homosexual panic and gay advance defenses

JurisdictionSouth Africa
AuthorAngelo Pantazis
Date28 August 2019
Citation(1997) 10 SACJ 85
Published date28 August 2019
Comments • Aantekeninge
The homosexual panic and
gay advance defences
Angelo Pantazis*
If a homosexual makes a non-violent sexual advance to a man who then kills
him because he has been provoked, can the killer rely on a defence of non-
pathological criminal incapacity in South African law? In theory he can, and
this defence was (unsuccessfully) raised in
S v Kensley
The (possible) South African defence has similarities to two defences raised in
the courts in the United States, the homosexual panic defence and the gay
advance defence. In this comment, I first summarize the relevant parts of
I then explain the two American defences and compare them to the
South African defence, thereby bringing out the criticisms of the American
defences that may be relevant to the South African defence. I use these
criticisms to suggest what approach the South African law should take to the
situation. My suggestions are finally grounded in an awareness of anti-gay
University of the Witwatersrand.
(1997) 10 SACJ 85
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