Challenges with implementing political leadership and decision-making participatory rights for women in Ethiopia
Jurisdiction | South Africa |
Citation | (2018) 5(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 45 |
Published date | 16 August 2019 |
Author | Abegaz, S.T. |
Pages | 45-72 |
Date | 16 August 2019 |
Solomon Tekle Abegaz* and Workantif Desalegne Asfaw**
Globally, several interventions have been made to enablewomen to participate in
political leadership and decision-making positions. However, women remain under-
represented in these positions. The aim of this article is to assess the challenges
with implementing political leadership and decision-making participatory rights
for women using Bahirdar city administration as a case study.The findings of the
study show that women face low considerations in political leadership and decision-
making, and that they hold lower non-decision making and leadership positions
in the city administration. More importantly, the findings show that a wide range
of socio-cultural attitudes, conflict of balance between domestic and public life,lack
of confidence and unwillingness by women themselves, and others prevent a more
equal representation of women in the city administration executive power structure.
Therefore, effor ts, such asthe creation of an enabling environment to enhance women’s
participation in politics, the provision of women-related civic projects, the creation of
awareness among young girls in schools through civic and ethical education about the
importance of women’s political representation are recommended to enhance women’s
political participation in the city in order to contribute to ensuring gender parity in
the country in accordance to AU 2063 Agenda.
Keywords: Bahirdar, decision making, political leadership, women, women’s
political participatory rights.
Globalement, plusieurs interventions ont été faites pour permettre aux femmes
de participer aux postes de direction et de prise de décision politique. Cependant,
les femmes restent sous-représentées dans ces postes. Le but de cet article est
d’évaluer les défis dans la mise en œuvre du leadership et de la prise de décision
politique en ce qui concerne les droits de participation pour les femmes, en utilisant
l’administration de la ville de Bahirdar comme une étude de cas. Les constats de
l’étude démontrent que les femmes sont confrontées à une faible prise en compte
dans la direction et la prise de décision politique, et qu’elles occupent des postes
inferieurs non-décisionnaires et de direction dans l’administration des villes. Plus
* LLD (Pretor ia), LLM (Addis Ababa), LLB (Addis Ababa) and Assistant Professor of Law, School
of Law, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia. Email: Our thanks go to
Judy Price for reviewing and commenting on the first draft of the article.
** LLM (Gondar), LLB (Addis Ababa) and Judge at City Appellate Court, Amhara National
Regional State, Wollo, Ethiopia. Email:
(2018) 5(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 45
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important encore, les constats montrent qu’un large éventail d’attitudes socio-
culturels, un déséquilibre entre la vie familiale et la vie publique, un manque de
confiance et un manque de volonté de la part des femmes elles-mêmes et les autres
empêchent une représentation plus égale des femmes dans la structure du pouvoir
exécutif de l’administration de la ville. Ainsi, les efforts, tels que la conscientisation
des jeunes filles dans des écoles, par le biais de l’enseignement civique et éthique
relative à l’importance de la représentation des femmes dans le domaine politique
sont recommandées pour améliorer la participation politique des femmes dans la
ville afin de contribuer à la réalisation de l’égalité des sexes au pays, conformément
à l’Agenda 2063 de l’UA.
Mots clés: Bahirdar, prise de décision, direction politique, femmes, droits de
participation politique des femmes
Over the years, t he issue of women’s political ri ghts and thei r equal
partic ipation in politic al leadersh ip and in deci sion makin g has become
increasi ngly promi nent in world politics . This topic ha s received varied
treatment by the Un ited Nations ( UN) and its s peciali sed agencies.1
Sustain able developmentin a societ y cannot be br ought about without
the ful l and unrese rved part icipation of both women and me n. Such a
balanced development s hould also ca ll for the eli minat ion of all form s
of discr imina tion agai nst women. After t he establi shment of the UN
in 1946, there was inc reasing recog nition amon g the internat ional
communit y of women’s historic exclusion from s tructu res of power.
The principle of the e qualit y of men and women was recog nised in the
1945 UN Charter, and a gain lat er in the 1948 Universa l Declarat ion
of Human Ri ghts (U DHR). The Interna tional Covenant on Civ il and
Political R ights (ICCPR) went f urther to obl ige the state pa rties to
ensure the ef fectiveness of women’s political par ticipation in public af fairs
without disc rimi nation on the gr ound of sex.2 The UN a lso adopted a
Convention on the Eli minat ion of all Form s of Discri minat ion again st
Women (CEDAW ). It concerns women’s access to decision ma king in
political a nd public life. T he Beijing Declar ation and Platfor m of Action
(BDPA) also deal ex tensively wit h the issue of women in power and
decision mak ing. It requires government s to attain a 30% benchm ark for
women’s representation in al l public decision-maki ng positions. Further,
1 For instance, the UN has dedicated Goal 5 in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
to achieve gender equality and empower all women and g irls. See UN, ‘Goal 5: Achieve gender
equality and empower all women and girls’, viewed 31 October, 2018, from
sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/; UN Women, ‘Women and the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)’, viewed 31 October, 2018, from
2 Inter national Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 999 UNTS 171 (1966), articles 3 and 25.
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