Addressing the Issue in Harvey v Umhlatuze Municipality in Legislation

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Published date16 August 2019
Date16 August 2019
Citation(2014) 25 Stell LR 116
AuthorBV Slade
addressing the issue in HarveY v
uMHlatuZe MunicipalitY in legislation
BV Slade
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch*
1 Introduction
In Harvey v Umhlatuze Mu nicipality1 (“Harve y”) the High Cour t had
to decide whether it was competent to order t he re-transfer of expropr iated
property to t he previous owner when the pur pose for which the property was
expropriated could not be realis ed. In this decision the applica nt’s property
was expropriated for pur poses of creating a recre ational open space and
conservation area for gener al use by the public, but when that pur pose could
not be realised the municipal ity decided to change the use of the proper ty.
The new purpose i nvolved the sale of the land on tende r to a private developer
for the erection of residential houses. The ap plicant argued that the rst
respondent had an obligation to award h im restitution of his forme r property
– against payment of the m arket value – since the rst respondent abandoned
its plan to use the proper ty for the original purpose.2
Since there is no legislative authority for th is proposition in South Afr ican
law the applicant relied on a particu lar interpret ation of the public purpose
requirement in section 25(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa, 1996 (“the Const itution”), based on authority in G erman law. The
applicant argued that when t he public purpose falls away, becomes impossible,
or is changed, the expropriat ion is no longer “legally and constitutionally
sustainable in the fac e of a claim to the property by t he original owner”.3
To substantiate this claim, the applicant relied on a n argument made by Van
de r Wa lt. 4 Relying on Ger man law,5 Van der Walt states that if property was
“expropriated for a public purpose t hat was never realised (or for a purpose
that ceased to exist)”,6 the property should be ret urned to the previous owner,
* This note is ba sed in part on BV Slade The Just ification of Expropr iation for Economic Deve lopment
LLD disser tation Stellen bosch (2012) ch 6 Thank you to Prof AJ van der Walt, as well as Dr Emma
Waring and Ms Kar en Bezuidenhout , for their helpful comm ents and suggestion s R emaining erro rs are
my own
2 Pa ra 80
3 Pa ra 80
4 A J van der Walt Constitutional Property Law (2005) 256 In AJ van der Walt Constitutional Property
Law 3 ed (2011) 493-499, this argument wa s retained and e xpanded with refe rence to Harve y v Umhlatuze
Municipality 2011 1 SA 601 (K ZP) and t he Malay sian de cision of Uni ted Developmen t Company Sdn Bhd
v The State Gove rnment of Sabah [2011] MLJ 209
5 B Verf GE 38, 175 [1974], BVerf GE 56, 249 [1981] (Dürkheimer Gondelbahn); BVer fGE 97, 89 [1997]
6 Van de r Walt Constitutional Property Law (2005) 256; Van der Walt Constitutional Property Law (2011)
(2014) 25 Stell LR 116
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