2017 index

Published date16 August 2019
Date16 August 2019
2017 INDEX
Volume 30
Compiled by
Rosemary Kühn
BA (Hons) H Dip (Lib Sci) B Bibl (Hons) M Bibl
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg
(2017) 30 SACJ Index
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
Covers all articles, comments, notes and recent cases
ALBERTUS C Remand detainees who are terminally ill: Does the law
offer adequate opportunities for their release? ........................... 145-161
ANDERSON A Disposal of criminal disputes by informal mediation:
A critical analysis ........................................................................... 162-178
BASDEO V Criminal and procedural legal challenges of identity theft
in the cyber and information age ................................................. 363-384
DU TOIT P Recent cases: Criminal procedure ......................... 85-96, 396-410
FREEDMAN W Recent cases: Constitutional aspects of criminal
justice ............................................................................................. 121-135
HOCTOR V Recent cases: General principles and specic offences .... 385-395
JORDAAN L Recent cases: General principles and specic offences ...... 72-85
KAVURO C Gacaca courts, reconciliation and the politics of apology
in post-genocide Rwanda .................................................................. 38-71
KAVURO C Refugees, serious non-political crimes and prosecution:
Deciencies in the criminal justice system occasioned by
observance of principle of nonrefoulement in the context of
refugee and human rights protection .......................................... 224-255
KEMP G Recent cases: International criminal law ............................... 110-121
KHUMALO K Towards resuscitating the ailing public violence
jurisprudence – lessons from history ............................................... 23-37
MOLLEMA N & TERBLANCHE SS The effectiveness of sentencing as
a measure to combat human trafcking ...................................... 198-223
NONCEMBU V Sentencing the erstwhile child: Imprisonment and
committal to a child and youth care centre ................................. 299-315
OKPALUBA C The end of the search for a fth jurisdictional fact
on arrest on reasonable suspicion: A review of contemporary
developments ..................................................................................... 1-22
OKPALUBA C Revisiting the elements of malicious prosecution in
the law of delict: The Namibian experience in comparative
perspective ..................................................................................... 316-338
REDDI M Recent cases: Criminal Procedure ...................................... 256-269
SHUMBA T Litigating innocence: The problem of wrongful
convictions and absence of effective post-conviction remedies
in South Africa ............................................................................... 179-197
SPAMERS M The constitutionality of Chapter 13 of the Criminal
Procedure Act 51 of 1977 ............................................................. 339-362
TERBLANCHE S Recent cases: Sentencing............................................. 96-110
VAN DER MERWE A Recent cases: Sentencing ..................... 283-296, 422-434
VISSER J-M Recent cases: Evidence .................................................. 411-421
WHITEAR N Recent cases: Evidence .................................................. 269-283
© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd

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