No. , May 2019
- Tilting at windmills? The quest for an effective corporate rescue procedure in South African law
- The Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012: Some comments on the regulation of market abuse
- The South African Reserve Bank: Blowing winds of change (Part 2)
- One hundred years of security cession
- Determining the place of supply or the place of use and consumption of imported services for Value-Added Tax purposes: Some lessons for South Africa from the European Union
- Pledge of movables under the National Credit Act: Secured loans, pawn transactions and summary execution clauses
- Analyses: ‘You break, you pay’: Pension benefits deductions for damage caused to the employer by the employee
- Case Notes: The use of stolen funds to discharge a debt and enrichment: Absa Bank Ltd v Lombard Insurance Co Ltd
- Case Notes: When ancestors call an employee: Kievits Kroon Country Estate (Pty) Ltd v Johanna Mmoledi and Others
- Case Notes: Patent exhaustion, self-replicating inventions, and farmers’ rights: Reflections on Bowman v Monsanto Co et al