Unravelling the mare's nest? The Constitutional Court interprets the duty to exhaust internal remedies in the mining setting : case notes
Author | Robert Krause,Tracy Humby |
DOI | 10.10520/EJC197693 |
Published date | 01 January 2015 |
Date | 01 January 2015 |
Pages | 302-316 |
Unravelling the mare’s nest? The
Constitutional Court interprets the duty to
exhaust internal remedies in the mining
Dengetenge Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Southern Sphere Mining and
Development Co Ltd 2014 5 SA 138 (CC)
This Constitutional Court case involved an application by Dengetenge Holdings (Pty) (Ltd)
(a junior mining company) for leave to appeal against a decision of the Gauteng North High
Court setting aside the award of a prospecting right to Dengetenge, and the decision of the
Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) refusing to condone the company’s late filing of its heads
of argument in its appeal against the High Court’s decision.
1 History of the legal dispute between Dengetenge
and its competitors
A complex litigation history preceded the Constitutional Court’s consideration of
Dengetenge’s application. At th e centre of a protracted dispute between
Dengetenge and mining competitors Rhodium Reefs Ltd (Rhodium) and
1 2
Southern Sphere Mining and Development Co Ltd (Southern Sphere), were two
properties situated in the Limpopo province on the eastern limb of South Africa’s
platinum belt, namely Boschkloof 331 KT (B oschkloof) and Mooimeisjesfontein
363 KT (Mooimeisjesfontein). Under the apartheid dispensation, the properties in
question fell within the self-governing territory of Lebowa and the mineral rights
Note that Abrina was also a party to this dispute, but the fight was essentially between newcomer
Dengetenge and Southern Sphere and Rhodium as the senior, more established, mining companies.
Rhodium Reefs Ltd (Rhodium) is currently a subsidiary of Eastplats Limited, a Ca nadian-based
company specialising in Platinum Group Metals; see file:///C:/Users/a0032217/Downloads
/rhodraft_eia_submitted_withfigures_sm all_part1.pdf; http://eastplats.com/ about_us/corporate
_profile/ (accessed 2015-01-09).
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