The legal status of local government in South Africa under the new Constitutional dispensation

AuthorMbuzeni Mathenjwa
Published date01 December 2018
Record Numbersapr1_v33_n2_a1
Date01 December 2018
Southern African Public Law 00/2952
ISSN 2522-6800 (Online)
Volume 33 | Number 2 | 2018 | #2952 | 14 pages
© Unisa Press 2018
The Legal Status of Local Government in South Africa
under the New Constitutional Dispensation
Mbuzeni Mathenjwa*
Professor of Law, University of South Africa
The history of local government in South Africa dates back to a time during the
formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. With regard to the status of
local government, the Union of South Africa Act placed local government under
the jurisdiction of the provinces. The status of local government was not
changed by the formation of the Republic of South Africa in 1961 because local
government was placed under the further jurisdiction of the provinces. Local
government was enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
arguably for the first time in 1993. Under the interim Constitution local
government was rendered autonomous and empowered to regulate its affairs.
Local government was further enshrined in the final Constitution of 1996, which
commenced on 4 February 1997. The Constitution refers to local government
together with the national and provincial governments as spheres of government
which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated. This article discusses the
autonomy of local government under the 1996 Constitution. This it does by
analysing case law on the evolution of the status of local government. The
discussion on the powers and functions of local government explains the scheme
by which government powers are allocated, where the 1996 Constitution
distributes powers to the different spheres of government. Finally, a conclusion
is drawn on the legal status of local government within the new constitutional
Keywords: local government; provincial government; jurisdiction of provinces;
constitution; autonomy; subsidiarity

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