The Citizen v McBride 2010 (4) SA 148 (SCA) : recent case law

AuthorM.C. Buthelezi
Published date01 January 2011
Date01 January 2011
The Citizen v McBride
2010 (4) SA 148 (SCA)
As a matter of fact: But whose fact?
1 Introduction
In the case involving
The Citizen
newspaper and Robert McBride, the
SCA dismissed an appeal by
The Citizen
and others in their attempt to
overturn the decision of the court
a quo.
Witwatersrand Local
Division of the High Court had ruled that articles and editorials published
The Citizen
newspaper between 10 September 2003 and 20 October
2003 were defamatory of McBride.
The issue in this case was whether the fact that the plaintiff had been
granted amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) (in
terms of section 20 of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation
Act 34 of 1995 (the TRC Act)) rendered false any reference to him as a
murderer. The majority judges of the SCA, per Streicher JA (Mthiyane
and Ponnan JJA, each dissenting for different reasons), ruled that any
such reference to the plaintiff who had been granted amnesty was false.
As a result thereof the court rejected the defendants’ defences for truth
publication and for fair comment on the basis that the underlying fact
upon which the opinion was based was not true. The majority was
particularly at pains to regard the publication as a comment. Mthiyane
JA largely disagreed with the view that the statements were portrayed as
the truth as opposed to comments, and he granted the defence of fair
comment. Ponnan JA, on the other hand, disagreed with both the
majority conclusion and Mthiyane JA’s conclusion, largely on the basis of
the objectives of the TRC Act which sought to foster reconciliation and
nation building.
This case note presents a critical evaluation of the conclusion reached
by the majority on the main points and their bases for dismissing both
defences. It partly takes issue with Mthiyane JA’s acceptance of the fair
comment defence. It is submitted that in respect of both defences the
appeal should have failed, but for different reasons, instead of those
advanced by the court. The truth defence should have failed on the basis
that referring to the plaintiff who had been granted amnesty as a
murderer was not in the public interest or public benefit (especially in
view of the objectives of the TRC Act and the fact that the plaintiff was
being prevented from taking office due to crimes for which he was
indemnified). This certainly was not in the spirit of reconciliation. Of
course this must be balanced against the need for the public to know the
kind of person who was tipped for an onerous public office requiring
integrity. The fair comment defence should have failed not on the basis
that the facts on which the comment was based were rendered untrue
by virtue of amnesty or that it was not a comment, but on the basis that
the comment was not fair since the plaintiff had been granted amnesty
in terms of a valid legal process.

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