Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (Formerly Known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadogianis
Jurisdiction | South Africa |
Citation | 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) |
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112 practice notes
Makate v Vodacom Ltd
...Council 1966 (3) SA 317 (A): referred to Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadogianis E 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) ([1992] ZASCA 56): referred to South African Broadcasting Corporation v Coop and Others 2006 (2) SA 217 (SCA) ([2006] ZASCA 30): criticise......
Giving Practical Effect to Good Faith in the Law of Contract
...of assent ing to the contract . As Sonap Petroleum (SA) ( Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Son arep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadog ianis 1992 3 SA 234 (A) indicates, it would not be b ona fide to “snap up” a barg ain, knowing that the ot her party possibly mist akenly created the impr ession. But me......
Die Integrasiereël in die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg
...40 C-J Pretoriu s The Basis of C ontractual Lia bility: A Comparat ive Study LLD te sis Universiteit va n Suid-Afrika (20 02) 428 41 1992 3 SA 234 (A)42 Van der Merwe et al Contract 22; RH Christie The L aw of Contract in South Africa 5 uitg (2006) 1; DJ Jou bert General Principles of the L......
O K Bazaars (1929) Ltd v Grosvenor Buildings (Pty) Ltd and Another
...SA 373 (A) at 378G; Design and Planning Service v Kruger 1974 (1) SA 689 (T) at 700G; Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) B at 242B-C; Plascon-Evans Paints Ltd v Van Riebeeck Paints (Pty) Ltd 1984 (3) SA 623 (A) at 634E-635C; Janowsky and Others v Payne 1989 (......
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99 cases
Makate v Vodacom Ltd
...Council 1966 (3) SA 317 (A): referred to Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadogianis E 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) ([1992] ZASCA 56): referred to South African Broadcasting Corporation v Coop and Others 2006 (2) SA 217 (SCA) ([2006] ZASCA 30): criticise......
O K Bazaars (1929) Ltd v Grosvenor Buildings (Pty) Ltd and Another
...SA 373 (A) at 378G; Design and Planning Service v Kruger 1974 (1) SA 689 (T) at 700G; Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) B at 242B-C; Plascon-Evans Paints Ltd v Van Riebeeck Paints (Pty) Ltd 1984 (3) SA 623 (A) at 634E-635C; Janowsky and Others v Payne 1989 (......
KwaZulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee v MEC for Education, KwaZulu-Natal and Others
...(8) BCLR 785; [2012] ZACC 11): referred to Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A): referred Soobramoney v Minister of Health, Kwazulu-Natal 1998 (1) SA 765 (CC) (1997 (12) BCLR 1696; [1997] ZACC 17): referred to I South ......
Naidoo v Birchwood Hotel
...(1) SA 827 (SCA) ([2000] 1 All SA 128):appliedSonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd)v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A): referred toStiff v Q Data Distribution (Pty) Ltd 2003 (2) SA 336 (SCA): referred to171NAIDOO v BIRCHWOOD HOTEL2012 (6) SA 170 GSJABCDEF......
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1 firm's commentaries
Signing Twice On The Dotted Line (Caveat Subscriptor, Quasi-Mutual Assent And Credit Applications Incorporating Suretyships)
...paying lip service to the judgment of Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd formerly known as SONAREP (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) and ignoring National & Overseas Distributors Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Potato Board 1958 (2) SA 473 (A) - proceeded to give a judgment which has e......
12 books & journal articles
Giving Practical Effect to Good Faith in the Law of Contract
...of assent ing to the contract . As Sonap Petroleum (SA) ( Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Son arep (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadog ianis 1992 3 SA 234 (A) indicates, it would not be b ona fide to “snap up” a barg ain, knowing that the ot her party possibly mist akenly created the impr ession. But me......
Die Integrasiereël in die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg
...40 C-J Pretoriu s The Basis of C ontractual Lia bility: A Comparat ive Study LLD te sis Universiteit va n Suid-Afrika (20 02) 428 41 1992 3 SA 234 (A)42 Van der Merwe et al Contract 22; RH Christie The L aw of Contract in South Africa 5 uitg (2006) 1; DJ Jou bert General Principles of the L......
The tortification of contract
...(C) per Friedman J. 41 1986 (4) SA 917 (T) per Schabort J. 42 1987 (2) SA 49 (N) per Milne JP. 43 1989 (1) SA 33 (W) per Esselen J. 44 1992 (3) SA 234 (A). 45 1994 (2) SA 518 (C) at 527C-D. 46 'Fault and iustus error' (1985) 102 SALJ 1-4. © Juta and Company (Pty) On the other hand, venerabl......
Case Notes: The problem of the illiterate signatory: Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Dlamini
...Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep(2014) 26 SA MERC LJ152© Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd (SA) (Pty) Ltd) v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) 239I–240B; andHartley v Pyramid Freight (Pty) Ltd t/a Sun Couriers 2007 (2) SA 599(SCA).IV THE JUDGMENTPillay J commenced her considerat......
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