S v Vilakazi en 'n Ander

JurisdictionSouth Africa
JudgeGrobbelaar R
Judgment Date01 September 1995
CounselD van Wyk namens Beskuldigde nr 1. H van Heerden namens Beskuldigde nr 2 H E van Jaarsveld namens die Staat
Hearing Date01 August 1995
CourtTransvaal Provincial Division
Citation1996 (1) SACR 425 (T)

Grobbelaar R:

Ek sou graag meer tyd tot my beskikking wou gehad het om hierdie aangeleentheid meer deurtastend na te vors, maar ongelukkig was dit my nie beskore nie.

E Nadat die eerste Staatsgetuie, mev G L Steyn, getuig het in die verhoor teen die twee beskuldigdes en volledig gekruisverhoor is oor haar identifikasie van beskuldigde nr 1 en haar redes daarvoor, is sy ook volledig gekruisverhoor met betrekking tot 'n identifikasieparade wat op 20 Julie 1994 gehou is en waartydens sy beskuldigde nr 1 uitgewys het as een van die betrokkenes. Na afsluiting van haar F getuienis het mnr Van Wyk, wat namens beskuldigde nr 1 optree, in limine aangevoer dat die toelaatbaarheid van die getuienis met betrekking tot die identifikasieparade behoort te geskied by wyse van 'n verhoor-binne-'n-verhoor waartydens die beskuldigde ook die reg en die geleentheid sal hê om spesifiek daaroor aangehoor te word.

G Mnr Van Wyk het betoog dat dit ex facie die getuienis van mev Steyn blyk dat daar sekere onreëlmatighede tydens die uitkenningsparade voorgekom het en dat dit daartoe aanleiding gegee het dat daar sodoende inkrimine-rende getuienis teen die beskuldigde bekom is wat in stryd is met sy konstitusionele regte van 'n regverdige en 'n billike verhoor. Sou die toelaatbaarheid van sodanige getuienis nie tydens 'n verhoor-binne-'n-verhoor bereg word, waartydens die beskuldigde kan getuig nie, H maar oorgelaat word tot by die afsluiting van die Staatsaak, dan kan beskuldigde homself in die onbenydenswaardige posisie bevind dat hy mag besluit om nie in sy eie verweer te getuig nie, maar verplig word om te getuig oor die onreëlmatighede wat voorgekom het tydens die uitkenningsparade en in die proses kan sy hele saak I onberekenbaar benadeel word.

In hierdie verband met mnr Van Wyk klem gelê op die skrywe van professor S E van der Merwe in 'n artikel 'Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence: Towards a Compromise Between the Common Law and the Exclusionary Rule' wat vervat is in Stell Law Review 1992 (2) en veral verwys na dít wat op 173-4 voorkom. J

Grobbelaar R

A 'Some of the important local academic writings dealing with the general issue of improperly, including illegally, obtained evidence are Hoffmann and Zeffertt The South African Law of Evidence 4th ed (1988) 278-81; Skeen "The Admissibility of Improperly Obtained Evidence in Criminal Trials" 1988 SACJ at 389; Campbell "Illegally Obtained Evidence: A Reappraisal" 1968 SALJ at 246; Van Rooyen B "Lead-in paper: The Investigation and Prosecution of Crime" 1975 Acta Juridica 70, 77-81; Paizes "S v Nel 1987 (4) SA 950 (W): Improperly Obtained Evidence . . ." 1988 SACJ 168; Zeffertt "A Judicial Discretion to Exclude Admissible Evidence" 1970 SALJ 402; Zeffertt "Pointing Out" in Kahn (ed) Fiat Justitia: Essays in Memory of Oliver Deneys Schreiner (1983) at 398. The competing interests which C must be considered, have been set out as follows by Lord Cooper in Lawrie v Muir 1950 Scots LT 37 39-40

"The law must strive to reconcile two highly important interests which are liable to come into conflict - (a) the interest of the citizen to be protected from illegal D or irregular invasions of his liberties by the authorities, and (b) the interests of the State to secure that evidence bearing upon the commission of a crime and necessary to enable justice to be done shall not be withheld from courts of law on any mere formal or technical ground. Neither of these objects can be insisted upon to the uttermost. The protection for the citizen is primarily protection for the innocent citizen against unwarranted wrongful and perhaps E high-handed interference, and the common sanction is an action for damages. The protection is not intended as a protection for the guilty citizen against the efforts of the public prosecutor to vindicate the law. On the other hand the interest of the State cannot be magnified to the point of causing all the F safeguards for the protection of the citizen to vanish, and of offering a positive inducement to the authorities to proceed by irregular methods."

Peris "The Admissibility of...

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10 practice notes
  • 2014 index
    • South Africa
    • Juta South African Criminal Law Journal No. , August 2019
    • 16 Agosto 2019
    ...452S v Van Wyk 1967 (1) SA 488 (A) ........................................................ 267S v Vilakazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T) ....................................... 89, 109, 113, 244S v Wannenburg 2007 (1) SACR 27 (C) ............................................... 79, 196S v Williams ......
  • S v Mapokone
    • South Africa
    • Transvaal Provincial Division
    • 14 Noviembre 2006
    ...parade must be established by means of a trial within a trial. The contrary view seems to be held - see S v Vilakazi en 'n Ander 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T); S v Mokoena & Ander 1998 (2) SACR 642 (W) at 649c-j. The approach of the Cape Provincial Division in S v Mhlakaza & Andere 1996 (2) SASV 18......
  • S v Bailey
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...to S v Moti 1998 (2) SACR 245 (SCA): referred to F S v Mphala and Another 1998 (1) SACR 654 (W): referred to S v Vilakazi en 'n Ander 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T): referred Legislation cited Statutes The Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, s 37(1)(b): see Juta's Statutes of South Africa 2005/6 vol ......
  • Director of Public Prosecutions, Transvaal v Viljoen
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...(1) SACR 19 (Nm) (1995 (4) BCLR 479) F S v Van der Merwe 1998 (1) SACR 194 (O) S v Venter case No 59/95 March 1996 (A) S v Vilakazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T) S v Viljoen 2002 (2) SACR 550 (SCA) S v Visser 2001 (1) SACR 401 (C) S v Zulu 1990 (1) SA 655 (T) G S v Zuma and Others 1995 (1) SACR 568......
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8 cases
  • S v Mapokone
    • South Africa
    • Transvaal Provincial Division
    • 14 Noviembre 2006
    ...parade must be established by means of a trial within a trial. The contrary view seems to be held - see S v Vilakazi en 'n Ander 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T); S v Mokoena & Ander 1998 (2) SACR 642 (W) at 649c-j. The approach of the Cape Provincial Division in S v Mhlakaza & Andere 1996 (2) SASV 18......
  • S v Bailey
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...to S v Moti 1998 (2) SACR 245 (SCA): referred to F S v Mphala and Another 1998 (1) SACR 654 (W): referred to S v Vilakazi en 'n Ander 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T): referred Legislation cited Statutes The Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, s 37(1)(b): see Juta's Statutes of South Africa 2005/6 vol ......
  • Director of Public Prosecutions, Transvaal v Viljoen
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...(1) SACR 19 (Nm) (1995 (4) BCLR 479) F S v Van der Merwe 1998 (1) SACR 194 (O) S v Venter case No 59/95 March 1996 (A) S v Vilakazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T) S v Viljoen 2002 (2) SACR 550 (SCA) S v Visser 2001 (1) SACR 401 (C) S v Zulu 1990 (1) SA 655 (T) G S v Zuma and Others 1995 (1) SACR 568......
  • S v Monyane and Others
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...them beforehand. The Court, following the viewpoint of the Court in S v Mhlakaza 1996 (2) SACR 187 (C) and not that in S v Vilakazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T), without purporting to resolve the conflict between the two cases, held a trial-within-a-trial G to determine the issue in the circumstan......
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2 books & journal articles
  • 2014 index
    • South Africa
    • Juta South African Criminal Law Journal No. , August 2019
    • 16 Agosto 2019
    ...452S v Van Wyk 1967 (1) SA 488 (A) ........................................................ 267S v Vilakazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T) ....................................... 89, 109, 113, 244S v Wannenburg 2007 (1) SACR 27 (C) ............................................... 79, 196S v Williams ......
  • Ensuring procedurally fair identification parades in South Africa
    • South Africa
    • Juta South African Criminal Law Journal No. , May 2019
    • 24 Mayo 2019
    ...See D Zeffert t, A Paizes & A St Q Skeen The South African Law of Ev idence (2003) 148, following the decision in S v Vil akazi 1996 (1) SACR 425 (T) and not the decision in S v Mhlakaza 1996 (2) SACR 187 (C). Cf S v Monyane 2001 (1) SACR 115 (T) at 126-127 where a tri al-within- a-trial wa......

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