Recent Case: Sentencing

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Date24 May 2019
AuthorStephan Terblanche
Citation(2007) 20 SACJ 117
Published date24 May 2019
University of South Africa, Pretoria
General principles
Mitigating factors
In S v Alam 2006 (2) SACR 613 (CkHC) a couple of mitigating factors
and their influence on the case were discussed in some detail. The
accused committed murder and rape and pleaded guilty to these
charges. He claimed that the murder was committed because of his
belief in witchcraft. A traditional healer offered him R7 000 for human
blood, which he then obtained by stabbing the deceased. He then also
had an insuppressible desire to have sexual intercourse with the wife
lying nearby. He threatened her with the knife in order to stifle any
Recent cases 117
(2007) 20 SACJ 117
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