Recent Case: General principles and specific offences

JurisdictionSouth Africa
AuthorLouise Jordaan
Published date24 May 2019
Date24 May 2019
Citation(2015) 28 SACJ 373
General principles and
specic offences
University of South Africa
1 General Principles
1.1 Test for criminal capacity – juvenile offenders
In S v TS 2 015 (1) SACR 489 (WCC) the accused was found guilty of
culpable homicide on the basis of having entered a plea of guilty i n
terms of s 112(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. When she
was only 13 years old, the accused had stabbed her father with a k nife,
causing his death. On review the question was whether the accused
had lacked criminal capacity a s a result of youthfulness when she
performed the unlawf ul act. The test to determi ne criminal capacit y
of juvenile offenders is set out in s 11(1) of the Child Justice Act 75 of
2008, which provides as follows:
‘The State must prove beyond reasonable doubt the capacity of a child who
is 10 years or older but under the age of 14 to appreciate the difference
between right and wrong at the time of the commission of the alleged
offence and to act in accordance with that appreciation.’
The Act provides further more that a child of the age described i n
s11(1) is presumed to lack crim inal capacity unless the st ate proves
that he or she had criminal capacit y in accordance with s 11 (s 7(2)).
The court noted that few reported judgment s deal with the crim inal
capacity of children and that some of them were decided before the
enactment of the Child Justice Act. In some of t hese cases, the courts
followed an incorrect approach by enquiring merely whether the child
in fact had appreciated the wrongfulness of h is or her act – an enquiry,
as pointed out by the court, that relates to mens r ea instead of criminal
capacity (at para [14], referring to R v K 1956 (3) SA 353 (A) at 356F-
358F; S v M 1978 (3) SA 557 (Tk) at 558E-559B). As pointed out by
Rogers J, the requirement of crimin al capacity should be considered
independently and at a stage befor e enquir ing whether the accuse d
had mens rea.
(2015) 28 SACJ 373
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