Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Citation1986 (1) SA 424 (O)

Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere
1986 (1) SA 424 (O)

1986 (1) SA p424


1986 (1) SA 424 (O)


Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling


van Coller R


August 1, 1985; August 2, 1985


August 12, 1985

Flynote : Sleutelwoorde

B Skool — Onderwyskollege — Intrekking van toelating van studente deur Sekretaris van Onderwys van Qwa-Qwa kragtens art 9(2) van Qwa-Qwa Wet op Onderwys 4 van 1976 — Waar sodanige C intrekking na 'n ondersoek van feitlike aangeleenthede plaasvind en studente se regte daardeur geraak is, verrig Sekretaris 'n kwasi-judisiële handeling — Beginsels van natuurlike geregtigheid daarop van toepassing — Niks in Wet wat aandui dat sodanige beginsels uitgesluit is — Studente moet geleentheid gegee word om hul kant van die saak te stel D — Niks in Wet wat vereis dat studente eers hul interne remedies moes gebruik het voordat hulle die Hof nader — Intrekking van studente se toelating tersyde gestel.

Praktyk — Onreëlmatige verrigtinge — Kondonasie van — Aansoek om tersydestelling van intrekking van studente se toelating tot onderwyskollege — Gewone aansoekprosedure E gevolg en nie hersieningprosedure onder Hofreël 53 nie — Al die tersaaklike feite deur partye voor Hof geplaas — Feit dat prosedure in Reël 53 voorgeskryf nie gevolg is nie het geen benadeling ingehou nie — Hersieningsaansoeke in OPA gewoonlik deur twee Regters aangehoor — So 'n praktykreël kan nie die regsbevoegdheid aan 'n enkel Regter deur art 13 (1) F (a) van Wet 59 van 1959 verleen ontneem nie — Gebrek in prosedure gekondoneer.

Headnote : Kopnota

Indien die Sekretaris van Onderwys van Qwa-Qwa, voor intrekking van die toelating van studente tot 'n onderwyskollege kragtens art 9 (2) van die Qwa-Qwa Wet op Onderwys 4 van 1976, 'n ondersoek na feitelike aangeleenthede doen en indien sy beslissing die regte van die studente raak, verrig die Sekretaris 'n kwasijudisiële handeling met sodanige intrekking. G Die beginsels van natuurlike geregtigheid moet dus nagekom word tensy die Wetgewer dit uitdruklik of by noodwendige implikasie uitgesluit het, of tensy die omstandighede so uitsonderlik was dat nie-nakoming daarvan geregverdig was. Daar is geen uitdruklike uitsluiting van die beginsels van natuurlike geregtigheid in die Wet nie en daar is ook geen aanduidings in die Wet wat daarop dui dat die beginsels van natuurlike geregtigheid by implikasie uitgesluit is nie.

H Daar is geen uitdruklike bepaling in die Qwa-Qwa Wet op Onderwys dat studente eers hul interne remedies moet gebruik voordat hulle die Hof kan nader vir tersydestelling van die intrekking van hulle toelating tot 'n onderwyskollege, en dit word ook nie in die Wet geïmpliseer nie.

Die Hof het bevind dat die intrekking van die applikante se toelating tot 'n onderwyskollege deur die Sekretaris van Onderwys in Qwa-Qwa kragtens art 9 (2) van voormelde Wet I tersyde gestel moes word omdat die Sekretaris nie die applikante 'n geleentheid gegee het om hulle kant van die saak te stel nie en dat die omstandighede wat by die kollege geheers het wat aanleiding gegee het tot die intrekking van die applikante se toelating nie sodanig was dat so 'n geleentheid nie aan hulle gegee moes word nie.

Die Hof het verder bevind dat die foutiewe prosedure deur die applikante gevolg ('n gewone aansoek in plaas van 'n hersiening kragtens Hofreël 53) gekondoneer moes word waar dit geblyk het J dat die partye al die tersaaklike feite voor die Hof geplaas het in hul beëdigde verklarings en dat die feit dat Hofreël 53 nie nagekom is nie geen benadeling ingehou het nie. Dit is verder

1986 (1) SA p425

bevind dat die feit dat hersieningsaansoeke in die A Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling gewoonlik deur twee Regters aangehoor word nie 'n rede was om kondonasie te weier nie aangesien die regsbevoegdheid aan 'n enkel Regter ingevolge art 13 (1) (a) van die Wet op die Hooggeregshof 59 van 1959 verleen hom nie deur so 'n praktyksreël (indien dit bestaan) ontneem word nie.

Flynote : Sleutelwoorde

School — Teachers' training college — Revocation of B admission of students by Secretary for Education of Qwa-Qwa in terms of s 9 (2) of Qwa-Qwa Education Act 4 of 1976 — Where such revocation occurs after an investigation of factual matters and rights of students are affected thereby, the Secretary performs a quasi-judicial act — Principles of natural justice applicable thereto — Nothing in Act indicating that such principles are excluded — Students to be given the opportunity of putting their side of the case — Nothing in the Act requiring students first to utilise their C internal remedies before approaching the Court — Revocation of students' admission set aside.

Practice — Irregular proceedings — Condonation of — Application for setting aside of students' admission to a teachers' training college — Ordinary application procedure followed and not review procedure under Rule of Court 53 — All the relevant facts placed before the Court by parties — Fact that procedure prescribed by Rule 53 was not followed not D causing any prejudice — Applications for review in OPD usually heard by two Judges — Such a rule of practice cannot deprive a single Judge of the jurisdiction conferred upon him by s 13 (1) (a) of the Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959 — Defect in procedure condoned.

Headnote : Kopnota

If the Secretary for Education of Qwa-Qwa, before revoking the admission of students to a teachers' training college in terms of s 9 (2) of the Qwa-Qwa Education Act 4 of 1976, conducts an E investigation into factual matters and if his decision affects the rights of the students, the Secretary performs a quasi-judicial act in so revoking their admission. The principles of natural justice should therefore be complied with unless the Legislature excluded them expressly or by necessary implication, or unless the circumstances were so exceptional that non-compliance therewith was justified. There is no express exclusion of the principles of natural justice in the F Act and there are no indications in the Act pointing to the implied exclusion of the principles of natural justice.

There is no express provision in the Qwa-Qwa Education Act that students should first utilise their internal remedies before they can approach the Court for the setting aside of the revocation of their admission to a teachers' training college, and such a requirement is also not implied in the Act.

The Court found that the revocation of the applicants' admission to a teachers' training college by the Qwa-Qwa G Secretary for Education in terms of s 9 (2) of the aforementioned Act had to be set aside because the Secretary had not afforded the applicants an opportunity of putting their side of the matter and that the circumstances existing at the college which led to the revocation of the applicants' admission were not such that such an opportunity should not have been given to them.

The Court further found that the incorrect procedure followed by the applicants (an ordinary application instead of a review H under Rule of Court 53) should be condoned where it appeared that the parties had placed all the relevant facts before the Court in their affidavits and that the fact that Rule of Court 53 had not been complied with did not cause any prejudice. It was further held that the fact that applications for review were usually heard by two Judges in the Orange Free State Provincial Division was not a reason for refusing condonation I as such a rule of practice (if it existed) could not deprive a single Judge of the...

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3 practice notes
  • Du Preez and Another v Truth and Reconciliation Commission
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...Road Transportation Board and Others (2) 1980 (2) SA 480 (K) op 489A-490G; Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere 1986 (1) SA 424 (O), per Van Coller R op C 428H-J, 430D-J; Dabner v South African Railways and Harbours 1920 AD 583, per Innes HR op 598; Marlin v Durban Tu......
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    • Invalid date
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  • Mokgoko and Others v Acting Rector, Setlogelo Technikon, and Others
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...punishment. They were entitled to 'due enquiry' during term-time. Compare Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere 1986 (1) SA 424 (O). They could not have I supposed in the contemplated ongoing relationship of student and teacher that they would be deprived of a hearing ......
3 cases
  • Du Preez and Another v Truth and Reconciliation Commission
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...Road Transportation Board and Others (2) 1980 (2) SA 480 (K) op 489A-490G; Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere 1986 (1) SA 424 (O), per Van Coller R op C 428H-J, 430D-J; Dabner v South African Railways and Harbours 1920 AD 583, per Innes HR op 598; Marlin v Durban Tu......
  • Moleah v University of Transkei and Others
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...v South African Organ Builders (Pty) Ltd 1953 (3) SA 400 (D): considered H Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere 1986 (1) SA 424 (O): dictum at 429 Randfontein Estates G M Co Ltd v Randfontein Town Council 1943 AD 475: applied Safcor Forwarding (Johannesburg) (Pty) Ltd......
  • Mokgoko and Others v Acting Rector, Setlogelo Technikon, and Others
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...punishment. They were entitled to 'due enquiry' during term-time. Compare Rampa en Andere v Rektor, Tshiya Onderwyskollege, en Andere 1986 (1) SA 424 (O). They could not have I supposed in the contemplated ongoing relationship of student and teacher that they would be deprived of a hearing ......

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