Preliminary notes
Date | 30 October 2020 |
Published date | 30 October 2020 |
Note to Contributors
The AYIHL i nvites submission of manuscripts, in Eng lish or French, on
subjects relating to international humanitarian law, policy and action.
A manuscript will be considered for publication:
● Only on the assurance th at it has not in whole or in part or in substance
been published or offered for publication elsewhere;
●On the understanding that it may be submitted in condence to an
expert referee or e xpert referees for evaluation;
●On the understanding that the editors reserve the right to make what
changes they consider desirable
(a) to bring the manuscript into the house style of the AYIHL;
(b) to eliminate errors of typi ng, grammar, synta x, punctuation,
spelling, idiom and the like;
(c) to eliminate ambigu ity, illogical ity, tautology, circumlocution a nd
redundanc y;
(d) to produce accuracy and coherence;
(e) to improve the mode of expression and style of writing;
(f) to avoid possible criminal or civil liability.
Authors are required to read their manuscripts very ca refully to avoid
the need for the editors to exercise these r ights extensively. In particular,
authors are asked to check the computer print-out and to acquaint
themselves with the house style of the AYIHL. Note, in particular:
The name of the author of a book or article cited should, on the rst
occasion it is mentioned, be given in ful l exactly as the author gives it. The
title of a book is to be in italics, with, if appropriate, the volume number
referred to by an upper case roma n numeral (not in italics), the edition
(not in italics), year of publication, section or paragraph number and page
number (the page number should be preceded by a p if there is a section
or paragraph number). Thus:
●Fritz Kalshoven & Liesbeth Zegveld Constraints on the Waging of War
3ed (2001) 53.
●James Craw ford The Inter national Law Commission’s Articles on State
Responsibility (20 02) para 4 p 153.
●DP O’Connell International Law II 2ed (1970) 842 (cited in J Dugard
International Law: A South Af rican Perspective 3ed (2005) 238).
●Thomas M Franck Recourse to Force (20 02) 49-52.
(2019) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law Note
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