Preliminary notes - contents

Date30 October 2020
Published date30 October 2020
Note to Contributors .................................................................. iv
Editor’s Note ................................................................................ ix
Peacekeepers and sexual violence: The disjuncture between
domestication and implementation
Ntemesha Maseka and David Abrahams ................................. 1
By all means necessary: A look at the reliance on United
Nations Security Council resolutions as a basis for
internment in non-international armed conicts
Hillary Muchiri Kiboro ........................................................... 25
Les accords spéciaux dans les conits armés en République
Démocratique du Congo: Contribution à l’amélioration
du droit international humanitaire?
Par Junior Mumbala Abelungu ............................................... 49
Revisiting the scope of application of Additional Protocol II:
Exploring the inherent minimum threshold requirements
Martha M Bradley .................................................................. 81
Current Developments
No such thing as a perfect candidate: A comment on the process
of choosing the next ICC Prosecutor
Dov Jacobs ............................................................................ 123
Transparent, structured, and qualied: Why process matters
for electing the next ICC Prosecutor
Evelyn A Ankumah and James Goldston ................................. 129
The appointment process for the next ICC Prosecutor:
Form and substance must be mutually reinforcing
Kate Vigneswaran .................................................................. 135
Report of the Committee on the Election of the
Prosecutor .............................................................................. 143
(2019) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law Contents
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