A note on Mandela v Executors, Estate Nelson Mandela 2018 (4) SA 86 (SCA) and the Conundrum around the Customary Marriage between Nelson and Winnie Mandela

AuthorSipho Nkosi
Published date03 December 2019
Date03 December 2019
Case Note
Southern African Public Law
ISSN 2522-6800 (Online)
Volume 34 | Number 2 | 2019 | #4027 | 12 pages
© Unisa Press 2019
A Note on Mandela v Executors, Estate Nelson Mandela
2018 (4) SA 86 (SCA) and the Conundrum around the
Customary Marriage between Nelson and Winnie
Sipho Nkosi
Lecturer, University of Johannesburg
Email: snkosi@uj.ac.za
The note is about the appeal lodged by the late Mrs Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
to the SCA against the decision of the Eastern Cape High Court, Mthatha,
dismissing her application for review in 2014. In that application, she sought to
have reviewed the decision of the Minister of Land Affairs, to transfer the now
extended and renovated Qunu property to Mr Mandela and to register it in his
name. Because her application was out of time, she also applied for condonation
of her delay in making the application. The court a quo dismissed both
applications with costs, holding that there had been an undue delay on her part.
Mrs Mandela then approached the Supreme Court of Appeal, for special leave
to appeal the decision of the court a quo. Two questions fell for decision by the
SCA: whether there was an unreasonable and undue delay on Mrs Mandela’s
part in instituting review proceedings; and whether the order for costs was
appropriate in the circumstances of the case. The SCA held that there was indeed
an unreasonable delay (of seventeen years). Shongwe AP (with Swain, Mathopo
JJA, Mokgothloa and Rodgers AJJA concurring) held that the fact that there had
been an undue delay does not necessarily mean that an order for costs should,
of necessity follow, particularly where, as in this case, the other litigant is the
state. It is the writer’s view that two other ancillary points needed to be raised
by counsel and pronounced on by the Court: (a) the lawfulness and regularity
of the transfer of the Qunu property to Mr Mandela; and (b) Mrs Mandela’s
status as a customary-law widowin relation to Mr Mandela.
Keywords: transfer of property; Mandela; review; costs; customary law and marriage

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